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16733 Results matching "ma" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Rennellese PN.MARONA Maagona/a To die in masses, to be sick or weak
Niue PN.SAWALA Mata/havala Mischievous
East Uvea PN.SAWALA Havala Envie de manger (une chose déterminée); avoir sans cesse envie de manger, manger en glouton sans pouvoir se rassasier
Samoan PN.SAWALA Savala To long for, to desire to eat particular articles, such as fish, masi, &c.
Tongan PN.MA-TOSI Matohi Marked with a line or narrow stripe
Niue PN.MA-TOSI Matohi/aga Genealogy
Samoan PN.MA-TOSI Matosi Shredded; scratched, marked with scratches
Rennellese PN.MA-TOSI Maatosi To be striped, as with horizontal stripes
Tongan XW.MA-TUKU Maatuku (of three or more) To leave, go away, disperse
Niue XW.MA-TUKU Matuku To subside, to become less [ex. strength of wind]
East Uvea XW.MA-TUKU Maatuku Se dit de la foule qui se précipite et s'attroupe pour regarder un spectacle. Kua matuku te misa. Les gens sont sortis de la messe.
Tokelau XW.MA-TUKU Matuku (of ropes, bindings, etc.) Be slack, become less tight; (of crowd) be dispersed, break up; (of anxiety, pain etc.) be relieved, alleviated; (of people) crowd together, throng together
Tongan PN.MAQU-KOLOA Maʔu-koloa Rich, wealthy, well-to-do
Niue PN.MAQU-KOLOA Maukoloa Trader, merchant, shopkeeper (sometimes used as a metaphor for 'rich')
Nukuoro PN.MAQU-KOLOA Mau goloa Rich in material possessions
Tokelau PN.MAQU-KOLOA Maukoloa Be wealthy, be rich
Tongan PN.MAUKU Maauku (of a boil) Go down and disappear without bursting or being lanced
Niue PN.MAUKU Mauku Disaster; funeral. Poor fellow, good-for-nothing (McE). Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tikopia PN.MAUKU Mauku Receding, going down, ebbing
Samoan PN.MAQU-KOLOA Mauʔoloa, mauʔoa A rich man, one who has plenty of property; to be wealthy
New Zealand Maori PN.MAQU-KOLOA Maukoroa Red paint Uncertain Semantic Connection
Rennellese OC.UMA.A Baenga/aa/uma Shoulder bone, clavicle
Rennellese EC.FAKA-MATE Hakamate/nga Suicide, attempted suicide
Rennellese CP.NOQA Noʔa te uʔa ke mate To strangle, as with a rope
Rennellese MP.TIPA Tipa manaba, tipa te hinangago Nervous, excited
Niue PN.TAUTE Taute To make, prepare, do, act; outfit, dress
East Uvea PN.TAUTE Taute Faire, arranger, manipuler, disposer (obs.)
East Uvea PN.TAUTE Taute-a Réprimander, punir, châtier, ; maltraiter Borrowed Uncertain Semantic Connection
Anuta PN.TAUTE Taute To make, do, work at; to treat an illness or injury
Penrhyn PN.TAUTE Taute/a To make up, dress up
Niue TO.TEPU Tepu Lump, knot; knob; small place, spot of land; wart; clitoris
Tokelau PN.TOKIA Tokia Be struck by a falling object; have a cramp in the stomach; (of wahoo when one is fishing with a noose) be frightened away....
Niue PN.QARO-FI Aofi Ceiling; to make a ceiling
Niue PN.QEMO E/emo To get or pick a small portion of something Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tongan TO.FAGA.6 Fanga Sign of plural before names of animals
East Uvea TO.FAGA.6 Faga Bande, troupe [exx. children, animals]
Niue XW.FAGA.7 Faga Sideburns, hair grown by a man down the sides of his face
Niue PN.FANO-GA Fenoga Journey, trip; to travel, to make a journey. Company of travellers (McE).
Niue TO.FETAQANU Fetaanu A small poisonous tree (Excoecaria agallocha)
East Futuna PN.FETE.1 Fete/fete Nom d'une maladie (peau rouge et rugueuse accompagnée de fièvre)
Tongan XW.FIFITI Fifisi Pungent or hot to the taste, as pepper and chillies are; making the eyes smart (as onions do)
Tongan XW.FONO.2B Fono-si To give strict or solemn instructions; to charge, command, direct, enjoin
Tikopia PN.FOTUQA Fotuua Fish sp. of reef and open sea (small sea perch or snapper?)
Niue MP.FULU.2 Fulu Straighten, shape, smoothen (making a hat) Uncertain Semantic Connection
East Futuna PN.MALIE Fulu/malie Etre beau, être mignon
East Uvea TO.GAQUTA Gaʔuta/ʔa Remuer (en parlant de plusieurs personnes ou animaux)... Borrowed
East Uvea TO.GAQE-GAQE Gaʔegaʔe Nom de coquillage, bénitier (Tridacna squamosa et T.maxima)
East Futuna OC.GUU.1 Guu/guu Parler à voix basse; marmonner, rouspéter, grogner; gémir de douleur
Tongan TO.HEKI Heki Push out, make it stick out (e.g. window, shutter); (arms) akimbo
Mangareva NP.SEKI ʔEki Aller à clochepied; marcher sur les doigts d'un pied en bottant; sauter sur un pied; danser un solo Uncertain Semantic Connection