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7586 Results matching "oo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Niue PN.MATIWA Mativa Poor, broke
Samoan PN.MATIWA Mativa Poor
Tongan PN.MATIWA Masiva Poor
Hawaiian PN.MATO Maakoo Rough, rocky, large Problematic
Easter Island CE.MA-TOFI.B Motohi 18th night of the moon Problematic
New Zealand Maori CE.MA-TOFI.B (Raakau) matohi 19th night of the moon
Marquesas CE.MA-TOFI.B Motohi 19th night of the moon
Mangareva CE.MA-TOFI.B Motoʔi La 20ième nuit de la lune. 20th night of the moon (Buck).
Tokelau OC.MAATOLU Maatolu Numerous (of fish in a school, birds in a flock)
Fijian OC.MATUQU.A Madu Dry (of wood and mature coconuts)
Rotuman OC.MATUQU.A Mafu Mature and hard (of wood), lumpy (of pudding)
New Zealand Maori CK.MATUU Matuu Fat, richness of food; gist, kernel
Hawaiian PN.FETUQU-AFIAFI Hookuu ahiahi Evening star (possibly a generic term)
Kapingamarangi PN.MATUQA.B Giodo mmaadua Outrigger booms toward the center of the canoe
Nukuoro PN.MATUQA.B Giado madua Main outrigger booms
Tongan PN.MATUQA.B Motuʔa-tohi Original book or document (as opp. to copies or translations)
Marquesas CE.KOO-MAKO ʔOomaʔo. ʔOmaʔo (Atl). (Fatu Hiva) Fatu Hiva Monarch (Pomarea whitneyi). Pluvier fauve; Lesser Golden Plover (Atl).
New Zealand Maori PN.MATUKU.A Matuku Blue Heron (Demigretta matook), Brown Bittern (Botaurus poiciloptilus)
Marquesas PN.MAQU.1 Mau Ferme, solide, attaché; encore, encore un peu; pris, saisi. Affermir, consolider, amarrer, agrafer, fixer, maintenir, tenir; fermement, encore un peu plus, encore davantage (Lch). Attraper par l'hameçon; to hook [a fish] (Atl).
Rennellese PN.MAQU.1 Maʔu Solid, firm, make fast; also, too
Takuu PN.MAQU.1 Mau Firmly caught on a hook; constipated, sluggish; stuck on, firmly attached; (of a name, idea etc.) stick, not be readily forgotten; support oneself in falling
Tokelau PN.MAQU-.2 Mao- Prefix used with locational nouns (loto, mua, muli and tua) to indicate "too far" in a specific direction
Anuta CO.MAUA-KENA.* Mauakena White-bodied, red-footed booby (Fbg)
Rennellese CO.MAUA-KENA.* Mauakena Red-footed Booby (Ebt)
Takuu CO.MAUA-KENA.* Mauakena, mouokena Red Footed Booby (Sula sula)
Tuamotu CO.MAUA-KENA.* Maua/tea Brown Booby Problematic
Tuamotu PN.MAQUGA Moouŋa Mountain
West Futuna OC.MAHU.A Mau Plentiful (of food)
New Zealand Maori EP.MAURE Maure The moon on the twelfth day
Easter Island EP.MAURI Mauri kero, mauri nui Eleventh day after full moon, tenth day after full moon
Hawaiian EP.MAURI Mauli Night of the moon, twenty-ninth night
New Zealand Maori EP.MAURI Mauri Night of the moon, twenty-ninth night
Tuamotu EP.MAURI Maauri Darkish, gloomy Problematic
Rennellese AN.MAQURI Maʔugi Life, alive, in good health
Easter Island PN.MAUNU Maaunu Bait. Bait (specifically a piece of fish, meat, bread, etc. when it is tied onto a hook to be used as bait) (Wbr).
Kapingamarangi PN.MAUNU Moounu Bait
New Zealand Maori PN.MAUNU Moounu Bait
Mangareva PN.MAUNU Moounu Bait. Amorce, appât pour prendre le poisson et les oiseaux; amorcer
Rapa PN.MAUNU Maunu Hook bait
Rapa PN.MAUNU Mounu Bait for hook. Fish bait (Grn).
Takuu PN.MAUNU Maaunu Generic term for bait; sea worm used as bait; food given to pet bird
New Zealand Maori PN.MAA-UNU Maunu Come out, be loosened; taken off (of clothes)
Niue ??.MAUTINI Mootini Pumpkin
Niue PN.MAQUTOFU Motofu. Mootofu (Sph). A weed (Sida rhombifolia); a plant (Stachytarpheta indica). (Sida acuta) (Sph).
East Futuna PN.MA-WETE Mavete Be separated (as a leaf from its stalk), loosened, untied (as hair) ; se disperser, être dispersé, s'effondrer
Hawaiian PN.MA-WETE Maaweke Open, loose, separate, undone
Kapingamarangi PN.MA-WETE Mehede Get free, get loose Phonologically Irregular
New Zealand Maori PN.MA-WETE Mawete Untied, loosened
Rennellese PN.MA-WETE Mabete Opened, untied, loosened
Tahitian PN.MA-WETE Mavete Open (as a door), unfolded (as a garment)