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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
East Uvea PN.KAU.2B Kau Signe de pluriel, a le sens de reunion, societe
Kapingamarangi PN.KAU.2B Gau Grouping of people, category of people
Niue PN.KAU.2B Kau Troop, company, gang; to team up, act in an organized way
Samoan PN.KAU.2B ʔAu Team , troop of warriors
Tikopia AN.KAU.3 Kau/raro Wallplate
West Futuna AN.KAU.3 Kau/kau Riders; roof supports running perpendicular to rafters
Hawaiian PN.KAU.4 ʔAu Handle, staff, stem, stalk, shaft; bone of lower arm or leg
New Zealand Maori PN.KAU.4 Kau Stalk, stem
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.KAU.4 Na/kau Leaf-stem
Rotuman PN.KAU.4 Kau Stalk, stem Borrowed
Takuu PN.KAU.4 Kau- Stalk, stem, solid handle of an object, branch of a tree, underground runner of certain plants (e.g. yam, banana). Sticks of fish net (kupena) (Hwd).
Tikopia PN.KAU.4 Kau Stalk, stem supporting a bunch of fruit, e.g. bananas; handle of implement
Tongan PN.KAU.4 Kau Stalk, stem, handle of oar, bat etc.
Tuamotu PN.KAU.4 Kau Stalk, stem, midrib of a leaf; a handle (in compound words)
West Futuna PN.KAU.4 Kau Handle, stem, protuberance
Tongan PN.KAU-WAI Kauvai Side of lake or river or any such body of water (fresh or salt)
West Uvea PN.KAU.5 Kau/isu Ar̂te du nez
Rennellese PN.KAU.6 Kau Portmanteau pronoun, first person singular, I Problematic
Samoan PN.KAU.7 ʔAu Join up as (form) a team; side with, be allied to
Tikopia PN.KAU.7 Kau (Ki) be present at; participate in; attend
Tongan PN.KAU.7 Kau (Mo) to side with; ('i) to be a part or member of, to be one of, to take part in; (ki) to belong to, to pertain or relate to, be favourable or conducive to
West Uvea PN.KAU.7 Kau Be a team member,support
New Zealand Maori CK.KAUERE Kauere The eastern dialects' name for the puuriri, a large forest tree
New Zealand Maori CE.KAUFAU Kauwhau Recite legends, genealogies
East Futuna PN.KAU-HALA Kauala Bas-coté de la route
Penrhyn PN.KAU-HAGA Kausanga Lower abdomen, bottom, private parts (of men or women)
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.KAU-HAGA Kauanga Private parts, sexual organs [Nupani Dialect]
Tikopia PN.KAU-HAGA Kauanga Inner side of the thighs (indelicate term)
New Zealand Maori PN.KAU-I Kaui To lace, put cord through interstices
Samoan PN.KAU-I ʔAui Fasten round as a bandage
Tongan PN.KAU-I Kaui Fasten sail to yard
Niue OC.KAU-KAU Kaukau To bathe (Avatele dialect)
Penrhyn OC.KAU-KAU Kaukau Bathe in fresh water, take a shower; swim
Sikaiana OC.KAU-KAU Kaukau Wash with water
Mangareva CE.KAU-RIMA Kourima Fire-plough. Morceau de bois avec lequel on frotte sur le *kaunati* pour faire du feu
Tahitian CE.KAU-RIMA ʔAurima Morceau de bois avec lequel on frotte un autre morceau appelé 'au'ati pour obtenir du feu
Tahitian CE.KAU-RIMA Aurima Bois qui frotte un autre bois pour avoir du feu
Marquesas NP.KAULU Kouʔu Cime, sommet, extremite, pointe, bout
Easter Island PN.KAU-MAFUTE Mahute (Broussonetia papyrifera)
East Futuna PN.KAU-MAFUTE Kaumafute Paper mulberry stick stripped of its bark
Samoan PN.KAU-MAFUTE ʔAumafute Paper mulberry stick stripped of its bark
Tikopia PN.KAU-MAFUTE Kaumafuta Tripod of poles as a filter stand for turmeric extraction
Tongan PN.KAU-MAFUTE Mokofute Paper mulberry stick stripped of its bark Phonologically Irregular
Nukuoro PN.KAU-NA Gauna Invite
Tikopia PN.KAU-NA Kau Command (tell); request; invite
Tuamotu PN.KAU-NA Kaauna To desire yearn, feel an intense longing for Problematic
East Uvea PN.KAUNA-GA Kaunaga, kaugana Serviteur, servante
Samoan PN.KAUNA-GA ʔAuga Look up to, attend on, depend on
Samoan PN.KAUNA-GA ʔAumaaga Attendants, untitled men
New Zealand Maori CE.KAU-NATI.* Kaunati, kaunoti Pointed piece of wood which was rubed upon another to produce fire