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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Rarotongan TA.KEI Tei At (place), in the possession of; in the act of, engaged in Problematic
New Zealand Maori NP.KEKE Keke Obstinate, stubborn
Easter Island PN.KEKE-KEKE Kekekeke Chirp, chatter; shrill
New Zealand Maori PN.KEKE-KEKE Kekekeke Make a confused noise, chatter (of teeth)
Samoan EC.KELA ʔEla Mattery (of the eyes)
Samoan EC.KELA ʔE/ʔela Bleary, watery (of the eyes)
Anuta CP.KELE.A Kere/kere Generic term for sand, dirt, or soil; dirty; world
East Futuna CP.KELE.A Kele Terre
East Uvea CP.KELE.A Kele(kele) Terre, sol, terrain, globe terrestre
West Uvea CP.KELE.A Kele Terre (sol), Terre (planete)
East Uvea PN.KELE.B Kele/kele Couvert de terre, souillé par la terre, sale
Rotuman EP.KELE.C Kele Black, tending towards black Problematic
East Futuna PN.KELE-MUTU Kelemutu Verre de terre
East Uvea PN.KELE-MUTU Kelemutu Verre de terre
Samoan PN.KELE-MUTU ʔElemutu Grub in rotten wood
New Zealand Maori CK.KERE-PURU Kere-puru Earth sodden with water
Marquesas EP.KERE-TUU Keʔetu Sorte de pierre rouge ou de tuf rouge qui se travaille facilement
Rapa EP.KERE-TUU Keretu Soft stone, consistency of karaea
Marquesas OC.KELI Ke(ʔ)i Dig. Piocher, bêcher, creuser, travailler la terre
Mangareva OC.KELI Keri Dig. Creuser, approfondir (pour les petites choses)
Tokelau OC.KELI Keli Dig, excavate
Marquesas NP.KELO.1B Keʔo Die (of a person), go out (of a light). Mourir, s'éteindre.
Mangareva NP.KELO.1B Kero/kero Grand (se dit d'un terrain, de la mer) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tikopia NP.KELO.1B Kero Nearly dead, in extremis; nearly finished (ex. water in bottle)
Marquesas NP.KELO.1B Keo/keo S'éteindre, rendre le dernier soupir
East Futuna MP.KEMO Kemo Clignoter, allumer (lumière électrique)
East Uvea MP.KEMO Kemo Clignoter, cligner de l'oeil
Hawaiian MP.KEMO ʔEmo A waiting, delay; to wait, delay (often with negative) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Vaeakau-Taumako MP.KEMO (Va)khamo Flash, lighten Phonologically Irregular
Tongan MP.KEMO Kemo To wink or blink; also used to denote suddenness
Anuta PN.KENA.1A Kena White
Kapingamarangi PN.KENA.1A Kene White
Pukapuka PN.KENA.1A Kena White, tan, brown
Tikopia PN.KENA.1A Kena White, especially pure white; devoid of colour, bright, shining; pale, bleached; flaxen, of hair
Tongan PN.KENA.1A Kena Brown or reddish, of hair treated with lime
Easter Island PN.KENA.1B Kena Piquero blanco con la punta de la cola y parte de las alas negras; booby or pikebird, white with black markings on the tail and wings
Manihiki-Rakahanga PN.KENA.1B Kena A seabird (Sula sula) ; Brown Booby (Sula leucogaster)
Marquesas PN.KENA.1B Kena A seabird (Sula leucogaster). Fou brun, oiseau de la famille des sulidés (Lch). Fou masqué, Masked Booby (Sula dactylatra). Puffin du Pacifique; Wedge-tailed Shearwater (Ua Huka) (Atl).
Penrhyn PN.KENA.1B Kena White morph of Red-footed Booby (Sula sula)
Pukapuka PN.KENA.1B Kena Bird name in chants, assoc. with noa (S. leucogaster): prob. old name for lulu (S. dactylatra)
Rarotongan PN.KENA.1B Kena Brown Booby (Sula leucogaster)
Samoan PN.KENA.1B Manu/ʔena/ White Sentinal Tern. So-called by fisherman instead of manu sina ; Fairy Tern (Gygis alba)
Sikaiana PN.KENA.1B Mua/kena (Sula leucogaster)
Penrhyn CK.KENA.1C AA/kena/kena Stunted, dwarfed
Rarotongan CK.KENA.1C ʔAa/kena/kena Dried, stunted and unproductive
Tikopia OC.KESA Kesa Green, yellow-green, with suggestion of off-colour, indeterminate between light and dark, hence may be applied to greenish grey, purplish grey, or murky brown of dry leaves
Tongan PN.KEE.2 Ghe. Fe/gé. A quarrel, disturbance, affray, dispute; to wrangle, to dispute. Controversy, discussion.
Rennellese EO.KESE Kese/kese Different, opposite
Mangareva TA.KETA.* Keta/keta Etre raide, tendu (se dit des étoffes manquant de souplesse) Problematic
Rarotongan TA.KETA.* Keta Firmly lodged, caught on something; stubborn, firmly set on something, tenacious