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4903 Results matching "ia" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Samoan CP.WASA Vasa Open sea (Mnr), the ocean, especially of the space between two distant points... (Prt)
Anuta SO.VAASIQA Vaatia Time, period of time.
Pukapuka SO.VAASIQA Vaaia Period of time
Tikopia SO.VAASIQA Vaasia Time; period; space between objects or actions
Samoan PN.WAATIA Vaatia A kind of dish made by mixing coconut cream with arrowroot
Tikopia PN.WAATIA Vaatia A pudding made from the root of masoaa; make sago pudding
Tongan PN.WAATIA Vaasia A food made from taro leaves, coconut cream and arrowroot
New Zealand Maori NP.WAWAO Wawao To separate antagonists; to mediate
Marquesas NP.WAWAO Vavao Médiateur, proteur, arbitre, défenseur, avocat; s'interposer, séparer des combatants
Samoan NP.WAWAO Vavao, vao-sia Prevent, restrain
Marquesas OC.WAWE Vave (MQS-Lch), veve (MQN-Lch). Vite, promptement. Hurry (veve), quickly, immediately (vave) (Mtu).
Nuguria OC.WAWE Hare mai iave! Komm sehr schnell!
Tongan OC.WELA.A Vela-sia Burnt
Tikopia FJ.WALE.3 Vare Silly, trivial
Tikopia FJ.WALE.3 Vare/vare General sense of not belonging to systematic order: at random, haphazard, in every direction, out of focus, etc.; common, ordinary (in social or technical status)
Tuamotu TA.WERE-WERE.B* Verevere Pudenda muliebria
Hawaiian OC.WELI.1 Weli A Holothurian
Easter Island EP.WERI Veri Myriapod, centipede . Not in
Marquesas EP.WERI Veʔi Cent-pieds, mille-pieds (myriapode)
Fijian NP.WELI.2 Weli/welia Slimy Problematic
Emae PN.WELO.1 Voro/sia Spear (by throwing spear) Phonologically Irregular
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.WELO.1 Velo/-ia To spear, throw spear, stab ; dig holes with digging stick
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.WELO.1 Volo-ia, velo-ia Stick (v), perforate; spear (v) Phonologically Irregular
East Futuna CE.WEU.1 Veuveu To fringe, make a fringe on material Problematic
New Zealand Maori EP.WEWE.B Weiweia Of low degree Problematic
Easter Island OC.WII.A Vii The Indian Mango tree (Mangifera indica) Borrowed
East Uvea OC.WII.A Vii Pommier de Tahiti (Spondias dulcis)
Fijian OC.WII.A Wii A tree with edible fruit (Spondias dulcis)
Hawaiian OC.WII.A Wii (Spondias dulcis), Tamarind
Emae OC.WII.A Vii A tree (Spondias dulcis)
Marquesas OC.WII.A Vii. Vi (Lch). Papayer, pomme de cythere, oite de Tahiti. Pomme cythère, arbre indigène, plante médicinale de la famille des anacardiacées (Lch).
Mangareva OC.WII.A Vii Mango (I). Fruit tree sp. Manguier (Mangifera indica, Anacardiacées) (Rch).
Niue OC.WII.A Vii A tree, Tahitian apple or Brazilian plum, (Spondias cytheria)
Vaeakau-Taumako OC.WII.A Vii Tahitian apple tree
Rarotongan OC.WII.A Vii Mango (Mangifera indica), formerly (Spondias dulcis)
Rennellese OC.WII.A Bii (Spondias cytherea)
Rotuman OC.WII.A Vi (Spondias dulcis)
Sa'a OC.WII.A Uli The vi apple (Spondias dulcis)
Samoan OC.WII.A Vii A tree with edible fruit (Spondias dulcis)
Tahitian OC.WII.A Vii Mangue (Mangifera indica). Pomme cythère (Spondias cytherea, S.dulcis) (Vii tahiti)
Tahitian OC.WII.A Vi The Tahitian yellow apple tree and fruit
Tikopia OC.WII.A Vii A tree with edible fruit (Spondias dulcis)
Tongan OC.WII.A Vii A tree with edible fruit (Spondias dulcis)
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.WIKI.2 Vaki/vakiakina To praise Phonologically Irregular
Tongan XW.WILI-GIA Vilingia Be blown about/along/away by the wind
Tahitian CE.WIWO Vivo Flute, autrefois flute nasale. The Tahitian nasal flute (Dvs).
Samoan PN.UQU Uu (pass. uu/tia) Hold fast, grip (like a vise); bite on, sting (of insects)
Emae MP.MUTU.1A Mutu/kia To break something
East Futuna OC.MAQOTA Maʔota Plante (Pongamia pinnata), Légumineuse
Samoan PN.MAQA-LAWA Maamaalava Tree sp. including possibly Macaranga, Sideroxylon, Buchanania