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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Ifira-Mele EO.KONA.4 Kona/kona Not sweet, sour, bitter
Mota EO.KONA.4 Go/gona/ Bitter, acrid
Niue EO.KONA.4 Kona Bitter, salty
Rennellese EO.KONA.4 Kona Salty, poisonous, bitter
Samoan EO.KONA.4 ʔOna Poisonous , bitter, poisonous
Samoan EO.KONA.4 ʔO/ʔona/ Sour, bitter
Tikopia EO.KONA.4 Kona Highly flavoured, pungent, bitter
Tokelau EO.KONA.4 Kona Sour, bitter, salty
Tongan EO.KONA.4 Kona Bitter, poison, (too) salty
West Futuna EO.KONA.4 Kona Bitter, acid, unpalateable, poisonous
New Zealand Maori NP.KONA.5 Kona Corner, nook, interior, angle
New Zealand Maori NP.KONA.5 Kona/ki Corner, nook, interior, angle
New Zealand Maori NP.KONA.5 Kona/nga Corner, nook, interior, angle
Rarotongan CE.KOO-NEKE Kooneke Move, as of a person seated on a bench ; a sled
Tahitian CE.KOO-NEKE ʔOoneʔe/neʔe Ramper, se traîner par terre, se dit de quelqu'un qui est assis et qui se pousse
Kapingamarangi PN.KOLI.1B Koni Flutter hands and arms in dancing, also as an expression of joy
Marquesas PN.KOLI.1B Koʔi/ka (MQN), koʔi/na (MQS) (Atl). Fête, rejouissance
Anuta SO.KONI Koni/koni Copulate
East Futuna SO.KONI Konikoni Copulate Problematic
Emae SO.KONI Koni/koni Have sexual intercourse
Luangiua SO.KONI Oŋi Sexual intercourse
Pukapuka SO.KONI Koni Copulate (man or beast)
Sikaiana SO.KONI Koni/koni Copulate
Takuu SO.KONI Koni Have sexual intercourse, copulate
Tikopia SO.KONI Koni-a Copulate
Tokelau SO.KONI Koni Copulate
New Zealand Maori CE.KOO-NIFI Konihi Touch lightly, graze; stealthy, go stealthily
Tahitian CE.KOONINI.1 Onini The first forming of the fruit or berries of some trees, after the blossom falls
Mangareva CP.KONO Kono/kono To wish to evacuate the bowels, to go to stool; stools, faeces. Ressentir le besoin d'aller à la selle (Rch).
Nukuoro CP.KONO Gono/gono Grunt like a pig (Repeatedly)
Tahitian CP.KONO Ono/ono Insister Phonologically Irregular
Tokelau CP.KONO Kokono Strain, make intense effort (as in lifting a heavy object or as a woman in labour
West Uvea CP.KONO Ko/kono Avorter (Rougeyron 1860)
Tuamotu CE.KONOFI Koonohi The cap which holds the coconut to the stem Problematic
New Zealand Maori TA.KOPA.3 Kopa Native oven; space in front of a house; the floor space in a house to the left of one entering...
New Zealand Maori CE.KOO-PANA Koopana Push, throb, incite, urge
Tuamotu CE.KOO-PANA Koopana Throb with passion, emotion; prise, pry up with apointed object, as an embedded object
Tahitian TA.KOO-PANI Opani A door, shutter, or cover; the close or conclusion of a subject; to shut a door or window, to cover or close a thing; to conclude a subject
Tahitian TA.KOO-PANI ʔOopani Porte de maison, de jardin; fermer une porte, une fenêtre, un coffre; interdire, fermer; terminer, clore un travail
Tuamotu TA.KOO-PANI Koopani Cover, lid, door, gate...
New Zealand Maori CE.KOO-PATAPATA Koopatapata Spotted, freckled, falling in drops
Marquesas CE.KOO-PATAPATA Kopata (MQN), kopana (MQS) Petites pustules, petites élevures, petites plaies qui viennent sur toutes les parties du corps
Penrhyn CE.KOO-PATAPATA Koopatapata Spotted
Rarotongan CE.KOO-PEKA.1 Koopeka Atiu Swiftlet (Aerodramus sawtelli) (Atiu).
Marquesas CE.KOO-PEKA.2 Kopeka Virer de bord, tourner, mettre en sens oppose; pied contre tete, changer de bout, tourner a l'envers
Hawaiian CE.KOOPERU ʔOopelu Mackerel Scad (Decapterus pinnulatus)
New Zealand Maori CE.KOOPERU Kooheru Herring-scad (Decapterus koheru)
New Zealand Maori CE.KOOPERU Kooheri/heri Herring-scad (Decapterus koheru)
Marquesas CE.KOOPERU Kopeu Sorte de poisson
Mangareva CE.KOOPERU Koperu Poisson, Decapterus pinnulatus (Eydoux & Souleyet), Carangidae