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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Nukumanu XO.QILAAMOTU.* Hai lamotu Mother's brother-sister's child relationship
Luangiua XO.QILAAMOTU.* Ilaamoku Sister's son
Takuu XO.QILAAMOTU.* Ilaamotu Reciprocal kinship term: classificatory mother's brother (maternal uncle), sister's child (nephew, niece)
Anuta PN.QILAAMUTU Iraamutu Sister's child
East Futuna PN.QILAAMUTU ʔIlaamutu Man's sister's child
East Uvea PN.QILAAMUTU ʔIlaamutu Sister's child
New Zealand Maori PN.QILAAMUTU Iraamutu Nephew, niece, (traditionally the sister's child)
Ifira-Mele PN.QILAAMUTU Raamutu Nephew, niece (term of address)
Pukapuka PN.QILAAMUTU Ilamutu A man's adopted child who is the blood child of his real or classificatory sister
Rennellese PN.QILAAMUTU ʔIgaamutu Son-in-law, daughter-in-law
Samoan PN.QILAAMUTU Ilamutu The relationship sustained by the children of a sister to the children of her brother, after the brother and sister are dead. An institutional relationship term for a female having particular control over her brothers' sons (Macpherson).
Tikopia PN.QILAAMUTU Iramutu Sister's child
Tokelau PN.QILAAMUTU Ilaamutu Male's sister's child
Tongan PN.QILAAMUTU ʔIlamutu Man's sister's child
Vaeakau-Taumako XO.QILAAMOTU.* Ilamotu Sister's son (man speaking)
West Futuna PN.QILAAMUTU Ra/i/mutu Offspring of a man's sister or female cross cousin... Phonologically Irregular
Takuu FJ.HURU-MAKI Urumaki Stab, pierce, thrust, penetrate
Tongan PN.SEQA Heʔa/ki To utter, to say so as to be audible
Takuu PN.KEA.1 Ea/ea Blister on the tongue (from tasting something too hot, or when one has a fever) Problematic
Nukuoro FJ.IRI-FIA.1 Ili/hia Having one’s stomach distended by gas
Tongan XW.HAKE-GA Hakenga Fate, destiny (of a fortunate kind)
Takuu FJ.IRI-FIA.1 Iri-hia Blow, puff, blow on something, inflate, smoke tobacco; fan (n)
Tahitian PN.ILI-FIA.2 Iri/haa, iri/hea Consternation on account of some disaster, such as the fall of a warrior; to be amazed, or in a consternation
Tongan PN.ILI-FIA.2 Ilifia To be afraid, feel frightened
Marquesas AN.QILO Iʔo (MQS), iko (MQN). Vers, insecte Phonologically Irregular
Tahitian AN.QILO Iro/iro Ver parasite que l'on trouve dans les bonites et les "va'u"
Nuguria MP.QILO-A Heai te hiloa Unwissend
Nuguria PN.FAKA-QILO Hakailo/a Teach Uncertain Semantic Connection
Takuu MP.QILO-A Iloa Know, be acquainted with; know how; occasionally or habitually perform an action
Tokelau MP.QILO-A Ilo Be aware of, perceive; check (of a cook testing food); assort, sort out
Rennellese PN.INA.1 Ina To stay, remain aloof and inactive, not participate or cooperate Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tikopia PN.INA.1 Faka/ina/ina Envious; coax, excite affection Problematic
Tongan PN.INA.1 Ina Show teeth, grin or laugh (especially in derision)
Tuamotu PN.INA.1 Inaina Angry, infuriated
Tahitian CE.INA-FEA Naafea, naahea Quand, interrogation sur un événement accompli ou même non accompli
East Futuna PN.QINAFO ʔInafo (Bgs) Troupe, bande de bonite, poissons de mer
Penrhyn TA.INA-INA Inaina Heat to soften (such plants as rauhara, rau maika, niikau, etc.)
Aitutaki NP.INAKI Iniki A horizontal pole on either side fastened to the lower end of the kaho on their upper or outer side Problematic
Sikaiana NP.INAKI Inaki Roof segments between main rafters
Takuu NP.INAKI Inaki The two spaces between each set of three rafters in a house
Tikopia NP.INAKI Inaki Offering of floor mat and thatch sheet in temple
Hawaiian CE.I-NANAFI (I)nehi/nei Yesterday
New Zealand Maori CE.I-NANAFI (I)nanahi Yesterday
Penrhyn CE.I-NANAFI (I)nanahi Yesterday
Rarotongan CE.I-NANAFI (I)nanaʔi Yesterday
Tuamotu CE.I-NANAFI I nanahi Yesterday
Tongan PN.QINA-TI ʔInasi Share, allotted portion
New Zealand Maori MP.INU Inu-mia Drink (western dialects)
Nukuoro PN.IO.2 Io Quarter of tuna body cut lengthwise
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.IO.2 Io Meat, flesh, body; quarter