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4460 Results matching "sa" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Niue PN.MATA-A-PULE Matapule/ga Ceremonial rite of passage (in modern times associated with circumcision)
Tongan CE.MOKE Moke(moke) (with negative) Say a word Problematic
Tongan FJ.NEE Ne A particle frequently joined to the end of words for the sake of euphony -- women more frequently use it than men
Sikaiana NP.NAA.1 Naa Demonstrative pronoun: that, there, in sight, but on other side of listener. In conversation, a statement recently spoken as part of the present conversation.
West Uvea PN.-RA La Déictique s'opposant à nei et à na...
Tikopia PN.NUNU Nunu Filter, as in extraction of sago by traditional method, and formerly of turmeric
Sikaiana PN.NUNU Nunu To grate a substance to extract juice or sap
East Uvea XW.NUTI Nusi, nunusi, nusinusi Frotter, broyer entre ses mains, écraser entre les doigts; saupoudrer, semer
Tongan EO.HOKA.2 Oko/oka Stake or pole driven into the sand and used for mooring a boat or canoe Borrowed
Niue PN.PALE.1B Pale/pale Reward, payment. Compensation (McE). Uncertain Semantic Connection
Niue PN.PIKO.C Piko To think erroneously; to be under a misapprehension
Marquesas MP.PII.2A Pi/hiti Rejaillir (sang)
East Uvea PN.POLO.2 Polo Barbouillage, marque sur le visage; être promis en mariage
East Futuna PN.POLO.2 Polo Se faire des taches de curcuma ou de charbon sur le visage; marque que l'on fait sur un bois pour indiquer ou doit se faire la coupe
Easter Island PN.POLO.2 Poro/poro Sin filo, por causa de tener varias muescas [blunt due to too many notches]
Niue PN.SANA.2 Saga/saga Job's Tears (Coix lacryma-jobi) Phonologically Irregular
Samoan PN.TAU-QI Tau To buy, to barter; something for sale; price
East Futuna PN.TAU-WALO Tauvalo Choisir sa nourriture (postverbe): E kau kai tauvalo. Je mange ce qui me plait. Uncertain Semantic Connection
Niue PN.MOLE.1 Te/mole To disappear from view
East Uvea TO.TEPU Tepu(tepu) Proéminence, protubérance, bosse, noeud factice d'une massue, saillie
East Uvea XW.TE-TEKI Teteki Trembler de crainte, avoir peur; sursauter, s'agiter, remuer
Tokelau PN.TOQI Toi/toi The pith of the gahu or saltbush [Scaevola] Uncertain Semantic Connection
Niue NP.QULA-QULA Ulaula Spiked prawn (Saron marmoratus) Problematic
Samoan PN.ASA.2 Asa The fin of the bonito (Thynnus)
East Futuna PN.ASA.2 Asa Nageoire
Nukuoro PN.ASA.2 Gau/asa The pectoral fin of a fish and the surrounding flesh
Rennellese PN.ASA.2 Asa Fish gills
Rennellese PN.ASA.2 Saba To protrude; to have fins stretched taut, as sharks Problematic
Ifira-Mele FJ.TALI.4 Tari/puusia Carry a lot of things (not necessarily all at once)
Tongan PN.WEU.2 Veu(veu)-ki To disturb, disarrange, upset, ruffle, shuffle about, muddle, jumble, confuse...
East Futuna PN.FIHU Visu Tressage d'un panier à partir de la nervure centrale en palme de cocotier déjà tressée et qui forme le haut du panier Problematic
Tongan PN.FE-QILO-AKI Feʔiloaki To meet one another, see and speak to one another, greet one another, say goodbye to one another (according to context)
East Futuna PN.FE-QILO-AKI Feilogaki Faire connaissance; première rencontre avec quelqu'un Phonologically Irregular
East Futuna PN.FAKA-SAA Fakasaa Montrer, annoncer
East Futuna PN.FAKA-SAA Fakasaa/saa Rendre compte, montrer, exposer; exposition, concours (de chant ou de danse)
Tikopia PN.FAKA-SAA Fakasa Appear, show, peep out
West Uvea PN.FAKA-SAA Fagasaa Apparaitre; montrer
Takuu PN.FAKA-SAA Haka/s/saa Cause something to appear, emerge or show (esp. above water)
Rennellese PN.FAKA-SAA Hakasaa/saa To make protrude; to expose, insert
East Futuna XW.KANOPOGI Kanopogi Perdre un membre de sa famille proche; veuf, veuve; faire respecter le deuil d'une famille (role du chef)
Tongan PN.FAKA-.4 Faka/ʔikai To say no, to give a negative answer, to deny what has been asked or stated
Kapingamarangi PN.FAKA-.4 Haga/deeai To say no to, to negate
Kapingamarangi PN.FAKA-.4 Haga/uaa To say yes, to nod the head up and down
New Zealand Maori PN.FAKA-.4 Whaka/ae Say yes, consent
Rennellese PN.FAKA-.4 Haka/ʔoo To agree, say yes
Rennellese PN.FAKA-.4 Haka/siʔai To say no, deny, contradict
East Futuna TO.FAKA-TUU Fakatuu En faisant un simulacre de combat (à la mort d'un roi ou lors d'une nouvelle extraordinaire)
East Uvea XW.QUGA-QUGA ʔUga Tartre qui s'attache aux dents, la carie dentaire; (coco) gâté, non sain
Rarotongan PN.FAKA-HURU ʔAkauru Enter or emerge from (a passage by canoe) [ex. help to...]
Easter Island FJ.HILI Iri Subir "por una cosa", o seá, por encima de ella, y quedar encima de ella (p.ej. embarcar); ir (cuando el lugar a que nos dirigimos está a mayor altura que el punto de partida