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337 Results matching "'au" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Marquesas AN.QAHO Ao Jour opposé à nuit. Jour (depuis l'aurore jusqu'au crépuscule du soir) (1904). Jour, lumière du jour; daylight (Atl).
Easter Island OC.QAHU.1 ʔAu Bilis
East Futuna OC.QAHU.1 ʔAu Gall, of fish, animals
Rennellese OC.QAHU.1 ʔAu Bile, gall-bladder
Easter Island AN.QAHU.2 ʔAu Humo
East Futuna AN.QAHU.2 ʔAu Smoke
East Uvea PN.KAU.6 ʔAu Pron. pers. Je, moi
East Uvea PN.A-TE-.1 I/a te S'emploie avec 'au, koe, ia...
Marquesas NP.QULA-QULA Uʔauʔa tai Langouste
East Uvea AN.AU.1 ʔAu Pron. pers.: Je, moi
East Futuna PN.AQU ʔAu Arriver, venir, parvenir
Easter Island MP.QAU.1 ʔAu Sea current
Easter Island PN.QAU.2 ʔAu/ʔau Scratch Uncertain Semantic Connection
Easter Island PN.QAU.2 ʔA/ʔau Take out a double handful, pick up in both hands
Luangiua PN.QAU.2 ʔAu Gutting fish
Luangiua PN.QAU.2 ʔAu/iho Take away
Rennellese PN.QAU.2 ʔAu/ʔau To pick out, as bones from fish, seeds from a papaya, or mucus from the nose; strip off, as old stems from taro
Tongan PN.QAU.2 ʔAu- Remove unwanted portion of something -- strip, scale, husk, etc. (in compounds)
Easter Island PN.QAU.3 ʔAu/ʔau To cry, howl
East Uvea MP.QAUA.1 ʔAua Nom de poisson (Guerres acinaces); (Liza macrolepis) when length of index finger
East Uvea MP.QAUA.1 ʔAua/mui (Liza macrolepis) [Smith] when length of hand
Rarotongan MP.QAUA.1 ʔAua Small, silvery-grey fish ; (Neomyxus chaptalii) when small
Tongan MP.QAUA.1 ʔAua Mullet sp.
East Uvea PN.QAUA.2 ʔAua Particule négatif, s'emploie pour l'impératif négatif
Mangaia PN.QAUA.2 ʔAuaʔa, ʔauraka. Don't, lest
Samoan FJ.KAUA ʔAua Not, do not; don't!
Luangiua CE.KAA-KAFU ʔAu/ʔahu Dress Phonologically Irregular
Rapa PN.QAUA.2 ʔAua No, do not Problematic
Rarotongan PN.QAUA.2 ʔAua, ʔauaa, ʔauraka Don't! Problematic
Luangiua FJ.KAUA ʔAu se Negative imperative
Easter Island NP.QAU-AFI.* ʔAuahi Chimney
Rennellese NP.QAU-AFI.* ʔAuahi Smoke
Rennellese PN.QAUEE ʔAue Exclamation "oh!"
Tongan PN.QAU-HULU ʔAuhulu Rid a tree or plant of its dry leaves
East Futuna NP.QAU-KAI ʔAukai Jeune, jeuner
Rennellese NP.QAU-KAI ʔAukai Glutton, be a glutton
Tongan NP.QAU-KAI ʔAukai Go without food, fast
East Futuna SO.QAU-KAU ʔAukau Pus
East Uvea SO.QAU-KAU ʔAukau Pus
Rennellese SO.QAU-KAU ʔAukau Pus, as in a boil (Ebt)
East Futuna PN.QAU-KAWA ʔAukava Pêcher en empoisonnant le poisson
East Uvea PN.QAU-KAWA ʔAukava Empoisonner des poissons
Tongan PN.QAU-KAWA ʔAukava/ʔi Catch fish with help of fish poison
East Futuna PN.QAU-MAI ʔAumai Apporter, remettre; donne-moi
East Uvea PN.QAU-MAI ʔAumai Apporter
Rennellese PN.QAU-MAI ʔAu mai Give (to the speaker)
East Futuna NP.QAU-TALA ʔAutala Remove spines from pandanus leaves
East Futuna NP.QAU-TALU ʔAutalu Couper l`herbe (Gzl)
Rarotongan CE.AUTE ʔAute (Broussonetia papyrifera)
Tahitian CE.AUTE ʔAute Broussonetia papyrifera dont on faisait un 'tapa' brun