Entries from Martin 1827 in Pollex-Online

Martin, J. (1827). An account of the natives of the Tonga Islands in the South Pacific Ocean, with an original grammar and vocabulary of their language, compiled and arranged from the extensive communications of Mr.William Mariner, several years reside in those islands. Edinburgh, Constable and Co.

Language Item Description
Tongan Manga The barb of an arrow or spear, any thing open, diverging, or fork-shaped
Tongan Manifi(-nifi) Thin, slender
Tongan Mano Ten thousand
Tongan Manoo A bird (of any kind)
Tongan Mataboole A rank below chiefs
Tongan Matangi The wind, windy
Tongan Mate Death, carnage, a corpse, an eclipse; to die, to wither
Tongan Mate To guess, to conjecture
Tongan Matoloo Thick in respect of bulk, or extension (not as to fluidity)
Tongan Mátów A fish-hook
Tongan Matta The eyes, countenance, complexion, look, appearance
Tongan Matta Edge of any thing, brink, boundary
Tongan Matta fonnooa Coast, or shore
Tongan Matta falle The threshold
Tongan Mawle To vanish, to disappear
Tongan Me From (as, from any place)
Tongan Me The bread-fruit, or tree
Tongan Mea Affairs, things, effects; some, a part of
Tongan Méhegitáanga An aunt
Tongan Melíë Sweet
Tongan Mello. Mello-mello. Brown, yellow. Tawny.
Tongan Miáw-i Wreathed, serpentine; to twist
Tongan Michi A dream; to dream
Tongan Michi To suck, to inhale
Tongan Mili To rub, to smooth down
Tongan Milo The name of a tree
Tongan Milo A top, a tetotum; to spin round
Tongan Mimi To make water; urine
Tongan Mo And, also, likewise, with, besides
Tongan Moa The domestic fowl
Tongan Moa/moa Dryness, dry
Tongan Moco A species of lizard
Tongan Mocoboona A nephew or niece
Tongan Moko/sia To be cold (subjectively), feel cold, be affected by the cold
Tongan Moco/chíä. Moco/moco. Cold, chilly, cool.
Tongan Mófooíge An earthquake
Tongan Mohe Sleep; to sleep, to roost
Tongan Mohenga A bed, a mat
Tongan Mohoogoo Long weedy grass
Tongan Mohoonoo Parched, blighted
Tongan Moli The shaddock, the citron
Tongan Molle(-molle) Glossy
Tongan Moloo Soft, flexible
Tongan Mo/moko Cold, bleak; a consumption, or wasting away
Tongan Momo/e. Momó/ë. A scrap, a crumb. Petty, small.
Tongan Momohé Coition, sexual intercourse (literally to sleep with)
Tongan Momoho Ripe, to become ripe
Tongan Monga The protuberant cartilage of the throat
Tongan Mongamonga A cockchafer, a beetle of any kind
Tongan Mónooíá Fortunate, lucky