Entries from Dougherty 1983 in Pollex-Online

Dougherty, J. W. D. (1983). West Futuna-Aniwa: An Introduction to a Polynesian Outlier Language. Berkeley, University of California Press.

Language Item Description
West Futuna Ki/ki To sing, as of birds or crickets
West Futuna H/lunga On top, up, top, upon
West Futuna (E)ipu Skull, container
West Futuna I roto Inside
West Futuna Ka (ANI) To squeal. Cri du cochon (Rve).
West Futuna Ka/kaupega (ANI) Dragnet (Paton)
West Futuna Kamata To begin, start, commence
West Futuna Ka/puri/puri (ANI) Wrinkle
West Futuna Ka/re(h)ka Hiccough, belch
West Futuna Kar(u)/karu/tai Salt, sea spray. Méduse (Rve).
West Futuna Karo To avoid, dodge, evade. Prendre la vague en biais (Rve).
West Futuna Karoa, karo (ANI) Necklace, pendant; badge or stripe as on a military uniform Phonologically Irregular
West Futuna Kasa Be caught, trapped (e.g. fish swimming into hole in reef) Uncertain Semantic Connection
West Futuna Kava/kava. Kau/kava (Cpl). To sweat
West Futuna Kupega, kaupega, koupega Fishing net; spider's web (esp. sticky web used as bait). Filet (grand) (Rve).
West Futuna Kere(h)puru A particular clay or mud that produces subs when mixed with water (can be used for washing). Sol argile (Rve).
West Futuna Kiri Skin, bark, outer layer
West Futuna Kivi/kivi Weak (of eyes); to squint. Regard du myope (Rve).
West Futuna Ko Digging stick; stick used for husking coconuts; marlin or sailfish. Grand pieu; (Istiophorus gladius [sailfish]) (Rve).
West Futuna Koko To crow, cluck (as a chicken). Cri du coq (Rve).
West Futuna Lama To shine, to light a torch. Eclairer avec la torche (Rve)
West Futuna H/ma Low (tide) Phonologically Irregular
West Futuna Mafin/fini Tender, soft. Thin (Cpl). Phonologically Irregular
West Futuna Mano One thousand
West Futuna Maram/rama (ANI) Daybreak
West Futuna Matavai (ANI) Spring of water
West Futuna Mouri (pl. mauri) Life; to live, to be healthy; to be full, sated. Croitre, pousser (Rve).
West Futuna Ma(h)ke/i Hard, difficult, strong
West Futuna Ma(h)tua Mature, complete; precocious; ripe; full. Old, ripe, adult (Cpl). Monter (soleil) (Rve).
West Futuna Moe/roa. Moi/roa (Cpl). To sleep, rest; to lie down; to shut one's eyes. Dormir (Rve).
West Futuna Moa, mua Before, in front of, front Phonologically Irregular
West Futuna Moa Cooked, done
West Futuna Tama tane Boy child
West Futuna Mtane Boy, youth, young man
West Futuna Namu/ia To smell something
West Futuna Nau/tjia (ANI) To strangle Phonologically Irregular
West Futuna (H)ne Place
West Futuna Garo To forget
West Futuna Garu Wave, breaker
West Futuna (H)gu To groan or grunt (as of a pig)
West Futuna Ora Hill, mountain Phonologically Irregular
West Futuna Pa(h)kau Mat for sitting on, woven of coconut fronds
West Futuna Papa Broad mushroom-like coral formation, star coral; grater
West Futuna Pe(h)kau, pakau (ANI) Wing, shoulder, upper arm; mastoid process Phonologically Irregular
West Futuna Pen/penu Umbilical cord on newborn
West Futuna Poh/poki-a To wash, scrub, pound; to clap
West Futuna Pu (pl. h/pu) To burst, explode. Se casser (oeuf) (Rve).
West Futuna Pula Red snapper Phonologically Irregular
West Futuna Punaga Cave
West Futuna Purau To decay, rot; putrid. Puer (Rve).