Entries from Davletshin 2013 in Pollex-Online

Albert Davletshin, field notes

Language Item Description
Nuguria Paaua Fish sp.: Needlefish
Nuguria Pae Fish trap made of stones; sea garden (of giant clams); sea wall (to prevent the sea from coming)
Nuguria Paekea Sea crab Phonologically Irregular
Nuguria Pakapaka Skinny (a boy)
Nuguria Pakilani A kind of strong tree
Nuguria Pakuu Noise, sound; bang something to make noise; hit, strike against; land ashore (a boat)
Nuguria Panoko Fish sp., Blenny
Nuguria Panono A kind of mangrove fish
Nuguria Papa Plank (of wood), timber
Nuguria Para (pl. ppara) Wet, get wet; rotten, rot (humans, animals)
Nuguria Paraa Feather
Nuguria Para/i Paint one's own or another person's body (e.g. with kaauna)
Nuguria Pare Lean (vi)
Nuguria Paru/mea Snapper sp.
Nuguria Peau Wave; rough (of sea)
Nuguria (P)pee Fart Uncertain Semantic Connection
Nuguria Peenaa Like that
Nuguria Peenei Like this
Nuguria Pehe Song
Nuguria Peka Bat (generic); flying fox (caught and eaten)
Nuguria Pela Mud
Nuguria Pena Make, form, build (house); continue
Nuguria Penu Clam shell
Nuguria Peti (pl. ppeti) Big and robust (person)
Nuguria Pia Sago palm, sago
Nuguria Pia kerekere Arrowroot
Nuguria Pia/pia Foam (n,v)
Nuguria Pii Full, filled; high (of tide)
Nuguria Piko Crooked, not straight
Nuguria Piko/piko Twisted, crooked
Nuguria Pi/pihi Light (rain)
Nuguria Piripiri Octopus; wart
Nuguria Pito (raakau) Chunks (of tree)
Nuguria Pito/koo Stick used to husk coconuts; horns of cows, sheep, etc.
Nuguria Pohu Be full, fill (self)
Nuguria Poouri Dark (n), darkness; dark (vi), obscure
Nuguria Popo Rotten, rot (of trees); rust
Nuguria Pora Plaited coconut leaves; mats made of them (used to cover canoes)
Nuguria Poroaki Embrace, hug
Nuguria Poto/poto Short, brief
Nuguria Pou Pole, stake, post (of a house)
Nuguria P/paku Burnt, brown and dried out from overcooking
Nuguria P/pau Count, reckon
Nuguria P/piri Adhere, be stuck
Nuguria P/poko Deep (a hole, a saucepan, inside of a canoe)
Nuguria P/pono Put (inside), fit something into a hole; close (a coconut shell container with a lid); stopper (for coconut shell containers, made of pandanus leaves)
Nuguria P/pore Tremble, shiver (small movements); be (very) scared
Nuguria P/pui Close, shut (the eyes, a door, a lid)
Nuguria P(u)/pura Phosphorescence in the sea
Nuguria P/puru (sg.obj.), puru/puru (pl.obj.) Catch turtles