Entries from Davletshin 2013 in Pollex-Online

Albert Davletshin, field notes

Language Item Description
Nuguria Kura A kind of bird with red feathers
Nuguria Kutu Louse, flea
Nuguria Laaoi Nice, kind (of a person)
Nuguria Laki North-west wind (brings pantai)
Nuguria Laro Below, under; down(ward)
Nuguria Lave Find
Nuguria Lavena Oilfish
Nuguria Lootu Worship (in the church)
Nuguria Ma(a) Connective of numerals
Nuguria Maahana, oo/mahana Twin...
Nuguria Maahu Milky Way
Nuguria Maakaka Hard (not soft), strong
Nuguria Maa/kila/kila Shiny (of saucepan)
Nuguria Maamaa Chew, masticate for an infant
Nuguria Maanatu (pl. mannatu) Think (about)
Nuguria Maanava Breath; breathe (in)
Nuguria Maarama Day; dawn, clear up (of sky after rain) (vi); bright, light (also of colours); brighten, become bright, sunny
Nuguria Maarari Bald
Nuguria Maarie Slow, quietly
Nuguria Maaru Shit (vi)
Nuguria Maaruu Excrete
Nuguria Maa/tea White; clean
Nuguria Maatino Visible, recognisable
Nuguria Maatoru Thick [grossus] (e.g. leaf, material)
Nuguria Maauri/loo True; truly, really Phonologically Irregular
Nuguria Maea Rope (big, used for ships)
Nuguria Mahae (pl. mahhae) Broken; torn; crack in a canoe
Nuguria Mahana A kind of turtle (shell used for manufacture of ornaments)
Nuguria Mahana Warm
Nuguria Maahina Light (n); shine, shiny
Nuguria Mai Come (here)!
Nuguria Maile Fern
Nuguria Maka Sling (n)
Nuguria Makamaka Sea crab sp., green and small, stone crab Phonologically Irregular
Nuguria Makariri Cold; coldness; moist, damp
Nuguria Mama Chewed food (when you are eating)
Nuguria Mami Taste (a flavour), examine, test
Nuguria Mana Bifurcate (tree)
Nuguria Manamaatai A kind of poisonous starfish
Nuguria Manava Stomach, belly
Nuguria Maneo Itchy
Nuguria Manoni Fragrant, smelling good; a good taste, as food with coconut oil
Nuguria Manu Birds, animals (including insects, worms and crayfish)
Nuguria Mara Fish sp., Trooper
Nuguria Manu/taitai Smell of something which has drifted for a long time in the sea
Nuguria Marari/rari (older), ma/raar/rari (younger) Slippery, slipping
Nuguria Marae Place for performing rituals...main clearing in the centre of the village...
Nuguria Marae/rae Forehead Phonologically Irregular
Nuguria Mara/mara Chips (of wood), sawdust; kneecap (maramara te turi); a white shell found on the shore
Nuguria Marara Charcoal, live coals, embers