Entries from Sperlich 1997 in Pollex-Online

Sperlich, Wolfgang B., ed. (1997) Tohi Vagahau Niue/ Niue Language Dictionary. Government of Niue in association with Department of LInguistics, University of Hawai'i, Honolulu

Language Item Description
Niue Matua Parent; elder
Niue Maunu To be moved, to be shifted
Niue Mafai Able, willing
Niue Pagugu, pakuku To be crunchy. To grind the teeth (McE).
Niue Melie Satisfied, happy (with loto) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Niue Mama A land slug; a mollusc (prob. chiton)...
Niue Mano Abundance, plenty, many
Niue Maa/maa To be of light or pale colour
Niue Mahee To be torn, ripped. Husked, cut open (McE).
Niue Mahiki/hiki To be spic and span
Niue Matafonua Head of the island, headland; (as place name) northern tip of Niue
Niue Matahui motua Big toe
Niue Mavehe To part, to say goodbye Phonologically Irregular
Niue Maveu To be open, to be opened Uncertain Semantic Connection
Niue Pakee, pokee, pakaa To make a light crackling sound [ex. chewing gum]
Niue Patapata To have a rash (on the skin) Problematic
Niue Pa/too To fall, to drop. Fall in scattered drops, as rain at the beginning of a shower (McE).
Niue Amui In or for the future, the time to follow; at a later date
Niue Ma/ango/a Empty, dry (of fallen coconut)
Niue Anoiha In the future, in time to come
Niue Alafia Sleepless Phonologically Irregular
Niue Au To strain (refers to straining floury substances, to stop larger particles getting through a sieve)
Niue -i Verbal suffix that can effect a valency change...
Niue O/opo To adjust something to get into the right shape, to shape; [straighten] Uncertain Semantic Connection
Niue Ulumotua Church elder
Niue Ulutuki Hawkfish (Cirrhitus and Paracirrhites spp.)
Niue Hepe Wrong; error, mistake, fault Problematic
Niue Hetu Comb (n); to comb Phonologically Irregular
Niue Hili To be finished (usually refers to church or school)
Niue Holo/loa Frequently, always, regularly
Niue Hou To scramble for something Uncertain Semantic Connection
Niue Tafauli Black trevally or black jack (Caranx lugubris)
Niue Tagamimi Bladder
Niue Tagau Sea crab sp. (edible, red and black varieties) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Niue Tali To answer; answer (n); chorus, refrain (of song)
Niue Hanaa That, those Problematic
Niue Faka/tino To appear in bodily form; picture, likeness
Niue Tofu To be steady, to continue on (of fire, heat); to throb (of continuous and steady pain) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Niue To/toka To cool down, calm down, settle down
Niue To/too To hold in the hand
Niue Tuula Pulpit
Niue Tutu To shiver Problematic
Niue Tulou To say thank you (formal use); to say excuse me
Niue Fuga/uma Shoulder
Niue Utupotu Structural beam of a building
Niue Vaatia Coconut cream residue...
Niue Ve/vehe/ua To divide in two
Niue Vai tafe Waterfall, river
Niue Hoko Strip, strand; tendon, vein, artery, sinew, nerve
Niue Mahea/hea To be shrill