Entries from Beaglehole 1991 in Pollex-Online

Beaglehole, E. P. (1991). Pukapukan Dictionary Manuscript. Auckland, Pukapuka Dictionary Project, Department of Anthropology, University of Auckland.

Language Item Description
Pukapuka Tavake mokomoko White-tailed Tropic Bird (Phaeton lepturus)
Pukapuka Te Definite article
Pukapuka Teetee Scrape or peel taro with downward motion Problematic
Pukapuka Puu/tenga/ Thigh
Pukapuka Teia This
Pukapuka Teke Lean on, rest against; wooden back-rest
Pukapuka Teki Hop on one foot; to rise Problematic
Pukapuka Tia Sexual organs
Pukapuka Tiale (Gardenia taitensis)
Pukapuka Tiwitiwi Fish spp. (Chaetodon spp.)
Pukapuka Tika Dart
Pukapuka Tika True, correct Problematic
Pukapuka Tiketike High, height Problematic
Pukapuka Ti(ti)ko To defecate
Pukapuka Tila Mast
Pukapuka Tili(tili) To throw
Pukapuka Tilo To gaze upon
Pukapuka Timo To grip in wrestling; lie in wait for a woman
Pukapuka Timu Wind
Pukapuka Timutimu Tip, top, uppermost part Problematic
Pukapuka Tini Many, countless; number 10000 Problematic
Pukapuka Te tiniu The women-folk
Pukapuka Tino Numeral prefix for counting people, and fish such as tuna, from ten up
Pukapuka Tipi/tipi To sway from side to side
Pukapuka Titi Caulker for canoe making
Pukapuka Titi Woman's waist garment
Pukapuka Too (Saccharum officinarum) Borrowed
Pukapuka Too Set (of sun), fall (of rain)
Pukapuka Too Possessive particle
Pukapuka Too/nga Number of plaiting elements (from too, to remove)
Pukapuka Toe Other, next, remaining, another
Pukapuka Towu To be all ready, to have completed all preparations. ...before departure of fishing canoe, i.e. all equipment shared out among crew members
Pukapuka Towu A smooth sea
Pukapuka Tonga South south east
Pukapuka Toongaamimi Bladder Problematic
Pukapuka Tongi To carve
Pukapuka Toi To lead; to take; draw >
Pukapuka Toka Coral growth
Pukapuka Toka- Numerical prefix in counting persons from 1 to 10
Pukapuka Toke Fluke of a fish
Pukapuka Tokelau iti North wind or direction
Pukapuka Tokelau matua Northwest wind or direction
Pukapuka Toki Adze
Pukapuka Toko To punt a canoe; to raise; to reach up with a stick in order to pull something down; pole, punting stick
Pukapuka Tokamauli/a Hiccough
Pukapuka Tole Vagina
Pukapuka (To)toli Drop, put down, throw out Uncertain Semantic Connection
Pukapuka Toloa Wild Grey Duck (Anas superciliosa)
Pukapuka Tolu Number three
Pukapuka Tonu Verbal suffix: correctly