Entries from Beaglehole 1991 in Pollex-Online

Beaglehole, E. P. (1991). Pukapukan Dictionary Manuscript. Auckland, Pukapuka Dictionary Project, Department of Anthropology, University of Auckland.

Language Item Description
Pukapuka Tala Side of house roof
Pukapuka Kalamea A sharp-spined starfish (Beaglehole 1938:72) Phonologically Irregular
Pukapuka Talaao A fish (Epinephelus merra)
Pukapuka Taalava Purlin
Pukapuka Tali Keep away, delay.
Pukapuka Waka/talitali/ Think a matter over, be unable to come to a decision
Pukapuka Tali Carry, bring
Pukapuka Talinga Ear
Pukapuka Talitaliuli Echeneis naucrates
Pukapuka Talo (Colocasia esculenta)
Pukapuka Talo/talo To pray, invoke, incant
Pukapuka Tama Child.
Pukapuka Tamawawine Girl, young woman, daughter
Pukapuka Tamaawine Girl, daughter
Pukapuka Tamaiti Child
Pukapuka Tamaliki Children
Pukapuka Tamanu Another (foreign) name for wetau tree. Foreign tree name from islands to the west, for canoe making (Sby).
Pukapuka Taamate To put out (fire)
Pukapuka Tami/tami Nibble
Pukapuka Tane/tane Tinea spots
Pukapuka Taane Male
Pukapuka Tanu Plant; bury
Pukapuka Tao Spear, beak of bird
Pukapuka Tao Bake in oven
Pukapuka Ta/tao Put under, press down
Pukapuka Taokete Sibling-in-law Borrowed
Pukapuka Tapa Confer a name upon
Pukapuka Tapa/tapa Call out
Pukapuka Tapa/ao Jupiter when visible to the east in the morning Problematic
Pukapuka Tapa/tapa Crack open a coconut, to smash
Pukapuka Tapele Sleeping mat; lover's bed in bush Uncertain Semantic Connection
Pukapuka Tapu A gift to a god; gift to bride or groom at wedding feast
Pukapuka Tayi Number one
Pukapuka Tataa Bailer; to bail out water from a canoe
Pukapuka Taatela A kind of shark (Triaenodon sp.)
Pukapuka Taatou First person inclusive plural pronoun
Pukapuka Tatu Alight, perch Uncertain Semantic Connection
Pukapuka Waka/tatu Raise one foot after the other Uncertain Semantic Connection
Pukapuka Tau To fit, look nice
Pukapuka Tau Alight, perch on, to land (of a canoe)
Pukapuka Tau- Verbal and adjectival prefix denoting intensity
Pukapuka Taaua We two (inc)
Pukapuka Tauwuu Ridgepole (archaic, in chants only)
Pukapuka Taaunga Basket container for coconut water guards
Pukapuka Tauila Small fish driven into lagoon and to the beach shallows by electrical storms Problematic
Pukapuka Taulanga Canoe anchorage; a roosting, resting or dwelling place
Pukapuka Taulua A pair
Pukapuka Taumaya To eat Problematic
Pukapuka Taumata Anything worn to protect the head from the sun
Pukapuka Taume Flower-sheath of Coconut