Entries from Pratt 1911 in Pollex-Online

Pratt, G. (1911). Pratt's Grammar & Dictionary of the Samoan Language. Apia, Western Samoa, Malua Printing Press.

Language Item Description
Samoan ʔAʔau Swim (singular)
Samoan ʔAʔe Climb
Samoan ʔAʔu Meet, reach, join up, be extended to, spread over
Samoan ʔA/ʔala Be sore (of eyes and throat)
Samoan ʔAlaa Volcanic stone
Samoan ʔAlaafau Cheek
Samoan ʔAlaga Shout v
Samoan Alaʔa A tree (Planchonella sp.), a shrub (Chariessa sp.)
Samoan ʔAlalaa To smell of hot pork or fish
Samoan Alamisi Landcrab sp.
Samoan ʔAlava Fibre of butt of coconut leaf midrib
Samoan Alavalava To have the veins prominent, as when in a rage
Samoan ʔAlava/lava/a Be covered with weals
Samoan Ua/ʔale/ Shower of rain Problematic
Samoan ʔAle The name of a shellfish Problematic
Samoan ʔAaleva Long-tailed New Zealand Cuckoo, (Eudynamis taitensis)
Samoan ʔAli Wooden pillow
Samoan ʔAlia Double canoe
Samoan ʔAliʔao Top shell (Trochus pyramis)
Samoan ʔAlo Dodge, evade
Samoan Aloama Goatfish, Surmullet
Samoan ʔAloʔalo Flower of Erythrina sp.
Samoan ʔAloiafi Spark
Samoan ʔAlu Congealed
Samoan ʔAlu Dregs, lees, congealed oil
Samoan ʔAluʔalu Edible jellyfish sp., (Rhizostoma sp.) ; upside-down jellyfish (Cassiopoeia sp.)
Samoan ʔAmaʔama Crab (Grapsus sp.)
Samoan ʔAamata Begin
Samoan ʔAmu To cut off, as part of a beam
Samoan ʔAmu Coral
Samoan ʔAna Coral used as pumice-stone
Samoan ʔAna If (counterfactual)
Samoan ʔAnae Grey mullet
Samoan Tau/anave/ A tree (Cordia subcordata)
Samoan ʔAniva The Milky Way
Samoan Agofi Thin without disease Problematic
Samoan Manu Pattern, design Problematic
Samoan Ma/manu Decorated, painted Problematic
Samoan ʔAnume Maba sp., (Metrosideros sp.); (Diospyros elliptica) (Whr)
Samoan ʔAoʔao Inner sides of canoe; armpit
Samoan ʔA/ʔapa Put out the hands in order to take hold of something . Reach for
Samoan ʔApaʔapa Flap wings
Samoan ʔApaʔapa Fin; mudguard; wing of an aircraft
Samoan ʔApe (Alocasia sp
Samoan ʔApe Pluck out eyes
Samoan Apiapi Patch a canoe with bamboo
Samoan ʔApo Cling to
Samoan ʔApoa Small catfish (Plotosus sp.) (Mnr)
Samoan ʔApoga Fins of small fish.
Samoan ʔApu Cup made from leaf