Entries from Pratt 1911 in Pollex-Online

Pratt, G. (1911). Pratt's Grammar & Dictionary of the Samoan Language. Apia, Western Samoa, Malua Printing Press.

Language Item Description
Samoan Toʔo Pole to propel canoe
Samoan Toʔomaunu Hiccough
Samoan Toʔotuli Kneel
Samoan Tola Erection (sexual)
Samoan Tole/tole Clitoris
Samoan Toli To gather fruit from high trees
Samoan Tolo Throw several spears all together
Samoan So/solo Creep, crawl Problematic
Samoan Tolo Sugarcane
Samoan Toloa Australian Grey Duck ; (Anas superciliosa) (Ashpole)
Samoan Toloaʔi Litter, brood
Samoan Tolofi/a To have maggots in an ulcer or wound
Samoan Tologa Enduring, longlived
Samoan Tolu Three
Samoan Tomo Penetrate, sink in
Samoan Tomua Begin, arrive first
Samoan Tomuli Arrive last
Samoan Tona Yaws, wart
Samoan Tona/tona/a/feʔe One kind of wart. Kind of pimple or wart on a limb swollen by elephantiasis.
Samoan Tona/tona Clitoris
Samoan Tono The name of a weed (Hydrocotyle asiatica)
Samoan Tonu Exact, correct; right, just; agreed, resolved, decided
Samoan To/tonu In the midst, within
Samoan Tonu Species of the genus (Epinephelus) when over three feet long
Samoan Tosi Score, scratch , mark
Samoan Toso (pass. toosina) To carry off by force, as a woman; to commit a rape
Samoan Toto Blood
Samoan Tootooga Internal organs, accessories, constituent parts, gear or tackle
Samoan Totogi Payment
Samoan Totototo Bloody
Samoan Taatou First person inclusive plural subject clitic Problematic
Samoan Aʔe To go up, to return as from fishing; to return from banishment; to rise, as waves
Samoan Tuu-tautifa Male (Gallicolumba stari) (Ashmole)
Samoan Tuu-ʔaimeo Female and young (Gallicolumba starii) (Ashmole)
Samoan Tuu/tuu To shake out of a bottle
Samoan Tuu Stand, upright, to be
Samoan Tu/tia To be cut off, as one part of an army separated from the rest; to cut of the head (in abuse)
Samoan Tu/tuu(ina) Fell, cut down
Samoan Tua- Number of thicknesses, folds, rows layers; the next in order of age, especially of children
Samoan Tuafafine Sister (male speaking)
Samoan Tuagane Brother of a woman
Samoan Tuaaʔau Outside the reef in deep water
Samoan Tuai Coconut grater
Samoan Tuai Former, old
Samoan Tuaʔaa Sibling of same sex
Samoan Tuaaʔoi Boundary, limit
Samoan Tuasivi The back-bone; a ridge of mountains. Ridge of spinal vertebrae (McP).
Samoan Tufa Share out, portion out
Samoan Tufi Gather up fruit in containers
Samoan Tufu Pool or spring of fresh water situated near the shore