Entries from Pratt 1911 in Pollex-Online
Pratt, G. (1911). Pratt's Grammar & Dictionary of the Samoan Language. Apia, Western Samoa, Malua Printing Press.
Language | Item | Description |
Samoan | Tufu | A fish |
Samoan | Tufuga | Craftsman, expert, specialist , carpenter |
Samoan | Tuga | Maggot; disease affecting coconuts |
Samoan | Tuuga | Portion beyond the appointed share of food or property; a privilege which some are allowed to ask for; acquisition of all the great titles |
Samoan | Tugaa | Come inopportunely; stand in the way, as a rock in the road; situated in an awkward place ,as an abscess where it cannot be lanced |
Samoan | Tuugaa | Far advanced (night); situated in a tender or delicate part of the body (boil etc); critical, insulting (remarks); serious, grave (wound) |
Samoan | Tugage | Edible mollusc (Cytherea sp.) (also tugane) |
Samoan | Tugia | Pass. of tutu, to set fire to, to light, as a lamp |
Samoan | Tui | Stab, pierce, sting, thread something |
Samoan | Tui | Title of paramount chief of a district |
Samoan | Tuʔau | Wooden butt lashed to end of rod |
Samoan | Tuʔe | Body of a crab after the legs have been broken off |
Samoan | Tuʔe-lima | Knuckles |
Samoan | Tuʔi | Knock, hit, strike, punch, hammer, mash |
Samoan | Tuʔu | Place, put aside |
Samoan | Tuʔuʔu | Certain small and queer fish of genera Abudefduf, Pomacentrus, Chromis |
Samoan | Tula | Bald |
Samoan | Tulaga | A place to stand on; footmark, pulpit ; position, location; status, rank, position; situation, state of affairs; condition, state; mark, print (of someone standing) |
Samoan | Tuʔaga | Root, cause, origin Problematic |
Samoan | Tutaga | The place to cut off a part of a tree |
Samoan | Tulaalupe | Name of a star in the dry season |
Samoan | Tule/moe | Be drowsy |
Samoan | Vaeluaapoo | Midnight |
Samoan | Tuli. Tutuli (McP). | Deaf |
Samoan | Tuli | (Actitus incanus), (Limosa uropygialis), (Strepsilus interpres), (Limosa lapponica baueri), (Heteroscelus incanus), (Pluvialis dominica fulva), (Tringa incana) |
Samoan | Tuli-a-Tagaloa | (Pluvialis dominica fulva) (Ashmole) |
Samoan | Tuli-ola-valu | (Numenius tahitiensis (Ashmole) |
Samoan | Tuli-isu-tele | (Numenius tahitiensis (Ashmole) |
Samoan | Tuli | Chase, pack off |
Samoan | Tuli | Knee |
Samoan | Tulu/tulu | Drip v |
Samoan | Tuulua | Interval |
Samoan | Tuulua o poo ma ao | Middle of the night, midnight |
Samoan | Vae/luaapoo | Midnight Problematic |
Samoan | Tuluʔi | Long-lasting, enduring; to endure |
Samoan | Tuumau | To stand fast ; cling to, stick fast to, abide by; firm, fixed, permanent; immortal, everlasting |
Samoan | Tumuaʔi | Top of the head, fontanelle |
Samoan | Tumutumu | Top (of trees, hills), peak, height, zenith |
Samoan | Tuna | Eel (freshwater spp.) |
Samoan | Tunu | Cook on open fire |
Samoan | Tupa | Landcrab |
Samoan | Tupe | Disc used in lafoga game; money; knee-cap; operculum; a large bean, the fruit of a vine (Entada scandens); a climbing plant (Entada sp.) with large disc-shaped seeds (Mnr); seeds of Entada phaseoloides and probably Mucuna gigantea (Whr) |
Samoan | Tupu | Grow |
Samoan | Tupua | Idol , image |
Samoan | Tupua | Riddle |
Samoan | Tupuga | Ancestor Problematic |
Samoan | Tusa | Like, equal, to be |
Samoan | Tusi | Point (to), indicate |
Samoan | Tusi | Draw, write . Mark siapo, write. |
Samoan | Fe/tutaʔi | Join by knotting together, as a rope |