Entries from Pratt 1911 in Pollex-Online

Pratt, G. (1911). Pratt's Grammar & Dictionary of the Samoan Language. Apia, Western Samoa, Malua Printing Press.

Language Item Description
Samoan Tufu A fish
Samoan Tufuga Craftsman, expert, specialist , carpenter
Samoan Tuga Maggot; disease affecting coconuts
Samoan Tuuga Portion beyond the appointed share of food or property; a privilege which some are allowed to ask for; acquisition of all the great titles
Samoan Tugaa Come inopportunely; stand in the way, as a rock in the road; situated in an awkward place ,as an abscess where it cannot be lanced
Samoan Tuugaa Far advanced (night); situated in a tender or delicate part of the body (boil etc); critical, insulting (remarks); serious, grave (wound)
Samoan Tugage Edible mollusc (Cytherea sp.) (also tugane)
Samoan Tugia Pass. of tutu, to set fire to, to light, as a lamp
Samoan Tui Stab, pierce, sting, thread something
Samoan Tui Title of paramount chief of a district
Samoan Tuʔau Wooden butt lashed to end of rod
Samoan Tuʔe Body of a crab after the legs have been broken off
Samoan Tuʔe-lima Knuckles
Samoan Tuʔi Knock, hit, strike, punch, hammer, mash
Samoan Tuʔu Place, put aside
Samoan Tuʔuʔu Certain small and queer fish of genera Abudefduf, Pomacentrus, Chromis
Samoan Tula Bald
Samoan Tulaga A place to stand on; footmark, pulpit ; position, location; status, rank, position; situation, state of affairs; condition, state; mark, print (of someone standing)
Samoan Tuʔaga Root, cause, origin Problematic
Samoan Tutaga The place to cut off a part of a tree
Samoan Tulaalupe Name of a star in the dry season
Samoan Tule/moe Be drowsy
Samoan Vaeluaapoo Midnight
Samoan Tuli. Tutuli (McP). Deaf
Samoan Tuli (Actitus incanus), (Limosa uropygialis), (Strepsilus interpres), (Limosa lapponica baueri), (Heteroscelus incanus), (Pluvialis dominica fulva), (Tringa incana)
Samoan Tuli-a-Tagaloa (Pluvialis dominica fulva) (Ashmole)
Samoan Tuli-ola-valu (Numenius tahitiensis (Ashmole)
Samoan Tuli-isu-tele (Numenius tahitiensis (Ashmole)
Samoan Tuli Chase, pack off
Samoan Tuli Knee
Samoan Tulu/tulu Drip v
Samoan Tuulua Interval
Samoan Tuulua o poo ma ao Middle of the night, midnight
Samoan Vae/luaapoo Midnight Problematic
Samoan Tuluʔi Long-lasting, enduring; to endure
Samoan Tuumau To stand fast ; cling to, stick fast to, abide by; firm, fixed, permanent; immortal, everlasting
Samoan Tumuaʔi Top of the head, fontanelle
Samoan Tumutumu Top (of trees, hills), peak, height, zenith
Samoan Tuna Eel (freshwater spp.)
Samoan Tunu Cook on open fire
Samoan Tupa Landcrab
Samoan Tupe Disc used in lafoga game; money; knee-cap; operculum; a large bean, the fruit of a vine (Entada scandens); a climbing plant (Entada sp.) with large disc-shaped seeds (Mnr); seeds of Entada phaseoloides and probably Mucuna gigantea (Whr)
Samoan Tupu Grow
Samoan Tupua Idol , image
Samoan Tupua Riddle
Samoan Tupuga Ancestor Problematic
Samoan Tusa Like, equal, to be
Samoan Tusi Point (to), indicate
Samoan Tusi Draw, write . Mark siapo, write.
Samoan Fe/tutaʔi Join by knotting together, as a rope