Entries from Moyle 2011 in Pollex-Online

Richard M.Moyle, Takuu Grammar and Dictionary. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics 634.

Language Item Description
Takuu Kanohi Meat or flesh (of a fish, coconut, etc.)
Takuu Pu/kanohi Animal flesh, meat; inner wood of a tree, cortex
Takuu Kano/kano Giant Taro (Cyrtosperma chamissonis) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Takuu Kaokao Vertical upper portion of the side of a canoe; side of human body
Takuu Kapa Grasp, hold in one's hand; reach out to touch or grasp
Takuu Kapakapa Leaf of a giant taro plant Uncertain Semantic Connection
Takuu Kapatiko Small Threadfin (Polydactylus sp.)
Takuu Kape Elephant Ear Taro (Alocasia macrorrhiza)
Takuu Kapi (of garment) Narrow, tight-fitting; a tight squeeze, blocked; ....stuck, lodged in one's throat;...crowded with people
Takuu Kapoo Fish sp., Snake Mackerel (Promethichthys prometheus)
Takuu K/kara Chafed, grazed
Takuu Karamata, karomata, karemata Eye, face Phonologically Irregular
Takuu Karana Call out in loud voice to someone, announce
Takuu Karaoi Love magic Problematic
Takuu Kaareva Oriental Cuckoo (Cuculus saturatus)
Takuu Karo/karo Twirl a grass-stalk in the ear to remove wax
Takuu Karu Dried residue from making oil from coconut cream
Takuu Karu/karu Soft white substance like a flower beside the egg sac inside a clam
Takuu Kaasani Coconuts of any growth stage when tied in pairs; tear a strip from the husk of a dry coconut in order to tie it to another....
Takuu Kataha Great Frigatebird (Fregata spp.)
Takuu Kaatoa All, full, complete; (in counting) ten
Takuu Kaa/tona Sucker on the tentacle of an octopus
Takuu K/au (adult to child) Come! Come here!
Takuu Kau Umbilical cord; loop of fishing line tied to the base of a tuna fishing pole to which the hooks of the several fishing lines are attached when not in use
Takuu Kau/manava Sides of the waist; sides of a canoe
Takuu Kauana Fold at the top of one's legs when sitting; lap, pubic area
Takuu Kaua/roro, kauo/roro Mature stalk of coconut
Takuu Kaauii Tie or attach by means of a continuous series of knots, as when attaching a sail or net to its supporting poles or when tying up a long bundle
Takuu Kaukau uri Tree sp. having black wood that drifts to Takuu and is used for carving canoes
Takuu Kauna/ki (To send) summons, message for people to come
Takuu Kaute Hibiscus rosa-siniensis
Takuu Kava Second growth stage of the barracuda
Takuu Kaavii Attach a hand-net to its frame
Takuu Kehu Albino
Takuu Ane Seaweed sp. which causes itching when touched; stinging coral (Millepora platyphylla)
Takuu K/kehu Grey-brown; (of vision) indistinct, blurred
Takuu K/kemo (of one's eyes) Blink; (of lightning) flash
Takuu K(k)enu Disturb or mess up the ground
Takuu Kete Basket
Takuu K/keti Peel of the husk or bark (e.g. of coconut, sugarcane) with one's teeth Phonologically Irregular
Takuu Keu Twist one's body around (as in struggling to get free), hit something with one's shoulder or elbow
Takuu Ki With (an instrument), using
Takuu Ki In order to, to; indicates a recommended or expected course of action: should
Takuu Hakkii Larynx, Adam's apple; make a sound from the throat
Takuu Kkii (of one's ear) Ring, buzz (because of the people making noise nearby)
Takuu (Ki)laa, raa There, yonder (further from the speaker than kinaa)
Takuu Kkila Shine, glisten, be oily, covered with oil (as hands after eating fried food)
Takuu Kimoa Rat (from Nukuria) Borrowed
Takuu Kina Sea worm (echiurid or sipunculid) used for food or bait; (of sea cucumber, worm etc.) become thin an elongated Uncertain Semantic Connection
Takuu K/kini Sting, pinch, bite (of insect), secure something with a knot