Entries from Moyle 2011 in Pollex-Online

Richard M.Moyle, Takuu Grammar and Dictionary. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics 634.

Language Item Description
Takuu Mate Die; death, corpse
Takuu Mate Guess, recognise, identify, distinguish, tell
Takuu Matila Stout and strong type of bamboo used as tuna fishing rod
Takuu Mattoru (of flat object) Thick
Takuu Maatou We (exc.)
Takuu Matu Pacific Silver-Biddy (Gerres argyreus)
Takuu Matuu Mature coconut in its final stage of growth before sprouting Borrowed
Takuu Maatua Clan head, traditional religous and secular leader
Takuu Matuku Mottled Reef Heron (Demigretta sacra)
Takuu Mau Firmly caught on a hook; constipated, sluggish; stuck on, firmly attached; (of a name, idea etc.) stick, not be readily forgotten; support oneself in falling
Takuu Maaua We two (exc)
Takuu Mauakena, mouokena Red Footed Booby (Sula sula)
Takuu Maauii, maavii Left side
Takuu Maunu, mounu Earthworm, when used as bait
Takuu Maaunu Generic term for bait; sea worm used as bait; food given to pet bird
Takuu Maavae (pl.mavvae) Divided, separated from each other, divorced
Takuu Mavete Come apart or undone by itself
Takuu M/mea Red, reddish
Takuu Mee Thing, belongings, property
Takuu Mere Wounded, injured; (of an object) scarred, chipped, cut; cut, wound, esp. from a fish attack
Takuu Te Meremere A constellation: three stars forming a straight line within Orion
Takuu Milo Tree sp. with spreading canopy (Thespesia populnea)
Takuu Mmii Urine, urinate
Takuu Mmini Pandanus mat in which (a woman's) valuables are stored
Takuu Misi Make a clicking sound with the tongue to attract attention, esp. as a signal to one's companion to indicate interest in someone of the opposite sex
Takuu Miti Dream (n,v)
Takuu M/miti Taste a liquid, suck, sip
Takuu Moa Domestic chicken
Takuu Moa Soft underside of fish jaw; ventral fin of a fish
Takuu Moomoa Boxfish spp.
Takuu Moana Sea, ocean, deep water
Takuu Moe Sleep; (of eyes) closed; recline, lie
Takuu Moko Large, black kind of lizard found in the bush
Takuu Mokopuna Classificatory grandchild
Takuu M/more Smooth, even; hairless or with a short and even hairstyle
Takuu Moli Citrus fruit
Takuu Moomona Fatty, rich, oily (esp. of fish); fatty tissue, grease
Takuu M/mono Deep (of a hole); far in or down Uncertain Semantic Connection
Takuu Moso Shellfish taxon, small white mollusc, used for attaching to a tuu moso ceremonial belt
Takuu M/moti Sneak up on, approach slowly or with stealth, stalk
Takuu Moto (Of fruit) Immature, green, unripe
Takuu Motu (of cord) Severed, cut short, cut off, broken; (of rain, wind, storm) die down, abate
Takuu Motu Island within an atoll; naturally occurring circular mound for planting taro, bananas etc.; small clearing of dry land in garden area
Takuu Muu Large-eyed Sea-bream (Monotaxis grandoculis)
Takuu M/muu Mumbled, not clearly audible (of speech); a sound whose source is unseen
Takuu Mua Front, first, before, ahead
Takuu Sa/mui/mui (of several objects) Clustered
Takuu Muri, muli Later, after, behind; later (but not right now), afterwards; hindmost, last
Takuu Muri- Part, remainder, end
Takuu M/muru Warm oneself by side of fire, lie or sit by the fire for warmth