Entries from Moyle 2011 in Pollex-Online

Richard M.Moyle, Takuu Grammar and Dictionary. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics 634.

Language Item Description
Takuu M/muni Hide oneself
Takuu Musu Speak in a low voice, mumble, speak to oneself, speak as if in secrecy, whisper
Takuu Aa/na Third person singular postposed possessive pronoun, sg and pl, of his/hers
Takuu Nai Mollusc sp., Fluted Clam (Tridacna squamosa)
Takuu Namo Lagoon
Takuu Namu Mosquito
Takuu Nanue Rudderfish (Kyphosus sp.)
Takuu N/nao Insert finger or hand to feel for, probe...
Takuu Nape Pry out (e.g. copra from its shell)
Takuu Natu To mix (e.g. grated starch and pounded fruit) by folding; knead (as in preparing sosoro food)
Takuu Natu Tree sp. (Madhuca obovata)
Takuu Kkuu Fishing technique (A single line is dropped beyond the reef...sinker at the bottom and several hooks attached above on wooden spacers. The principal fish caught by this method is *paru*.) Problematic
Takuu Nei Here (beside me); this
Takuu Kinaa There, near the listener, or place already mentioned in discourse
Takuu N/neke/ Move oneself over
Takuu Neva Hover; (walk) unsteadily
Takuu Ni Tense-aspect marker
Takuu Ni Indefinite article: some, any
Takuu Niho Tooth, teeth; horn (of goat, cow); whale tooth; cog (of a wheel)
Takuu N/nini Pour
Takuu N/nimo (e.g. of fish swimming) Go round in circles; (of wind, current) go round, change direction; go around in circles, dawdle, delay; eddy
Takuu N/niti (Of a knot, zip, clam shell, etc.) drawn together tightly; caught in an object whose sides have been drawn tightly together; extremely crowded, jam-packed. (of knot), caught, enmeshed
Takuu Noa Rope, string or leaves used to tie something; noose (esp. the one used in shark fishing); leaves used to tie up food parcel
Takuu N/nehu Mist, fog, low cloud, haze, opacity; unidentified object on the horizon; hazy
Takuu N/nui Big, thick, important
Takuu Nui Coconut tree, coconut
Takuu Oo Go (plural of hano) Borrowed
Takuu Ora Life; alive, live, (of machine) be in working condition; escape (as of a fish), survive
Takuu Ori Rock, sway gently; (of legs) wobbly, unsteady
Takuu Aronaa Plant sp. (Pipturus argenteus) used for making cord
Takuu Ono Barracuda (Sphyraena sp.), final life stage
Takuu Ono/ono Mend or repair a net
Takuu Oso Jump from being startled, surprised or frightened; jump the gun (start too quickly)
Takuu Ota Eat something raw (esp. fish)
Takuu Ota Small bits and pieces of a substance (esp. a residue): coconut or pawpaw gratings; sawdust; shreds of tobacco; preparation of coarsely ground turmeric
Takuu Oti Finished, over, done; end, final portion; ultimate, best
Takuu P/paa, paa/kia Strike with the open hand, slap (mosquito etc.), clap (with flat hands)
Takuu Paa Fish hook made from oyster shell or stone
Takuu Paena The border areas of a family garden plot where kanokano [ Cyrtosperma taro] is grown
Takuu Paioro Hip. Buttock (Hwd).
Takuu Pakapaka Thin, lean, skinny, emaciated as from a long illness
Takuu Paki-a Slap
Takuu Patiaka Vertical root of a tree, plant, grass, weed, seaweed Phonologically Irregular
Takuu Pakilani Tree sp., no longer growing on Takuu
Takuu Paku/paku (pl. pakuppaku) Dry
Takuu Para (Have a) sore, tropical ulcer
Takuu Para/sia Smear, smudge
Takuu Paraa Wing feather of bird, dorsal fin of shark
Takuu Pare Ward off, avert
Takuu P/pari Mourn, be in mourning; pine, languish, be worried sick (as for someone far away)