Entries from Shibata 2003 in Pollex-Online

Shibata, N. (2003). Penrhyn-English Dictionary. Kyoto, ELPR.

Language Item Description
Penrhyn Maika Banana
Penrhyn Maikuku Nail (anatomical)
Penrhyn Maire Kind of fern growing on old coconut trees
Penrhyn Mai mai, mai mai! Come here, come here! (call to summon a pig to feed)
Penrhyn Maaineine Tickle
Penrhyn Maitaki Good, kind
Penrhyn Maito Black surgeonfish Ctenochaetu spp.)
Penrhyn Mahito Striped bristletooth (Ctenochaetus striatus) Problematic
Penrhyn Makariri Cold
Penrhyn Maakave/kave Tangled, messy
Penrhyn Maki-hia To be sick, ill; illness, disease; patient
Penrhyn Maakona To be filled up with food. Thirst quenched (Bck).
Penrhyn Makuru to have fallen on the ground (of pandanus fruits)
Penrhyn Marae Cemetery; a sacred place embellished with stone structures and used for religious purposes. Stone inclosures which served both religious and social purposes (Bck).
Penrhyn Maranga Be lifted, raised, come off
Penrhyn Maaranga Sunburnt with peeling skin
Penrhyn Marari Wrasse (Gomphosus varius [Lacepede]); trilobed Maori wrass Cheilinus trilobatus}
Penrhyn Maarama Bright; light (of colour); clear, transparent
Penrhyn Marama Moon, month
Penrhyn Maratea A fish (Hemiptoronotus jenkinsi) (Ann.); hump-headed Maori wrasse, Napoleon, giant wrasse (Cheilinus undulatus)
Penrhyn Marau Squirrelfish sp. (Myripristis chryseres); big-scale soldier fish Myripristis melanostictus), etc
Penrhyn Mare Cough
Penrhyn Maarehurehu Twilight, dusk
Penrhyn Marere Fall off, fall out, drop, spill
Penrhyn Maremo Drowned
Penrhyn Maari Patient, slow Phonologically Irregular
Penrhyn Marino Calm
Penrhyn Maro Loin garment
Penrhyn Maroo Dry; low tide
Penrhyn Maro/maroaa Sad, downcast
Penrhyn Maaroro Flying-fish
Penrhyn Maarohi/rohi Vitality, strength, vigour; strong, try hard, work hard Problematic
Penrhyn Maru. Ma/maru (Bck). Shade, shadow; shady
Penrhyn Maruu Soft; mattress
Penrhyn Mama Leak
Penrhyn Mama Chew; weaning food
Penrhyn Maamaa Light in weight
Penrhyn Mamae Pain in stomach; ache, pain; painful
Penrhyn Maamaru Haughty
Penrhyn Momoo, mamoo Far off, distant
Penrhyn Mana(mana) Power, favour. Authority (Bck).
Penrhyn Manako Think; idea; mind
Penrhyn Mana/manataa Trouble, concern, anxiety, worry
Penrhyn Manava Belly
Penrhyn Mania To set one's teeth on edge
Penrhyn Mania Calm; smooth
Penrhyn Maaniania Shout to produce quiet; noisy; to chatter
Penrhyn Manini Surgeon-fish sp.; convict tang Acanthurus triostegus)
Penrhyn Maanina Visually smooth, calm, sleek, tidy Problematic
Penrhyn Mano Two thousand