Entries from Shibata 2003 in Pollex-Online

Shibata, N. (2003). Penrhyn-English Dictionary. Kyoto, ELPR.

Language Item Description
Penrhyn Nei Particle marking nearness to the first person or speaker
Penrhyn Neke(neke) Crawl, move; get out of the way, stay aside, step aside
Penrhyn Neeneva Silly, stupid, idiot, fool
Penrhyn Niho Tooth
Penrhyn Niikau Coconut frond; palm sp
Penrhyn Nini Whirl of hair on the head Uncertain Semantic Connection
Penrhyn Niu (nii- with modifiers) Coconut Palm (Cocos nucifera)
Penrhyn Noo Prep. marking realized subordinate possession: of, from
Penrhyn Noa Free from tapu
Penrhyn Noho Sit; stay, live; marry, stay with
Penrhyn Nohu Stonefish; reef stonefish, poison scorpionfish (Synaceia verrucosa and other species)
Penrhyn Nono Small night bug
Penrhyn Nuku Group, gang of people; war party; kind of theatrical performance
Penrhyn Numi/numi Fold
Penrhyn Oou Yeah! (the reply when one’s name is called); present! (this may be a reply when the roll is called at school)
Penrhyn Oi To move, start one's voyage; make room, move aside
Penrhyn Oi To mix, blend
Penrhyn Oohire Village
Penrhyn Oko Gather, pick up, collect
Penrhyn Ora To live, be alive, active; to be recovered from a disease, cured of disease; to escape. Be satisfied (Bck).
Penrhyn Oma Sponge (synthetic); styrofoam float
Penrhyn Oomaki Dish, side dish
Penrhyn Omo To smoke
Penrhyn One Sand; soil; to cover with sand/soil, bury
Penrhyn Ono Six
Penrhyn Ono Great barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda)
Penrhyn Ota Raw
Penrhyn Ota Residue; grated matured coconut flesh (after the milk being expressed)
Penrhyn Oti To finish, finished
Penrhyn Paa Row, line; door; enclosure
Penrhyn Paa Large round basin/bowl
Penrhyn Paa Papa! Father! Grandpa!
Penrhyn Paa/paa Father, uncle; grandfather, granduncle
Penrhyn Pae vai Eaves plate
Penrhyn Pae Part, side
Penrhyn Pae Drift, float
Penrhyn Paha Probably, perhaps, maybe
Penrhyn Paahata Scaffold; sedan; shelf
Penrhyn Pange To prop; piece of wood used to prop up/support something
Penrhyn Paka/paka Crusted; burnt, scorched, scalded
Penrhyn Paka/paka Dandruff, crust, cast-off skin/shell, shell, scab, layer
Penrhyn Pakari Matured, hard, old
Penrhyn Pa/paki Push Uncertain Semantic Connection
Penrhyn Paki/paki Push, slap
Penrhyn Pakia Wounded, scratched, bruised; wound, scratch, abrasion, bruise
Penrhyn Paakoti Scissors, clipper, mower
Penrhyn Paku Dandruff
Penrhyn Para Ripe; cooked; over-ripe; inner fleshy part of pandanus fruit. Food prepared from pandanus fruit (Bck).
Penrhyn Para Dirt, dirty; left-over remnant, dregs, refuse; small bit
Penrhyn Para/i Trowel