Entries from Shibata 2003 in Pollex-Online

Shibata, N. (2003). Penrhyn-English Dictionary. Kyoto, ELPR.

Language Item Description
Penrhyn Manongi Scented/medicated coconut oil
Penrhyn Manu Bird, animal
Penrhyn Maanu Afloat, float
Penrhyn Manuhiri Stranger, person without any relation
Penrhyn Manuia Fortunate, luck
Penrhyn Maoa Cooked
Penrhyn Maaori Local, aboriginal, traditional
Penrhyn Masa Dry; calm (of sea)
Penrhyn Maasanga Twins
Penrhyn Masara To be recollected
Penrhyn Mahara Remember Borrowed
Penrhyn Mahimahi Dolphinfish Coryphaena hippurus) Problematic
Penrhyn Mata Face, eye
Penrhyn Mata Mesh of net
Penrhyn Mata Point of fishhook
Penrhyn Mata/i Snood of fishhook (Sta < Bck)
Penrhyn Mata Raw
Penrhyn Matahiti Year
Penrhyn Matangi Wind
Penrhyn Maataki To visit
Penrhyn Mataku Afraid, fear
Penrhyn Matara Untie; loose, untied; separated
Penrhyn Matariki Tiny stars; name of a star constellation
Penrhyn Matapoo Blind
Penrhyn Matahiapo Eldest/first-born child, esp. first-born son Problematic
Penrhyn Matau Fishhook
Penrhyn Maatau Accustomed to, usual
Penrhyn Mate Die, death
Penrhyn Matie Green
Penrhyn Matikoo Finger nail, toe nail
Penrhyn Mato Steep place; cliff
Penrhyn Maatou We (exc.)
Penrhyn Matua Parent, esp. father; father-in-law, mother-in-law; any member of the first ascending generation
Penrhyn Mau Lay hold of, seize
Penrhyn Maaua We two (exc)
Penrhyn Maunga Mountain
Penrhyn Mauri Spirit, psyche, soul, heart
Penrhyn Maunu Bait
Penrhyn Mee Suppositive, if
Penrhyn Mea Thing; small amount, trivial thing; to do
Penrhyn Mei From, since; as if, approximately
Penrhyn Mei Approximative, almost, nearly [preposed]
Penrhyn Memea Gold-striped Goatfish (Mulloidichthys vanicolensis)
Penrhyn Mingimingi Wrinkled, curly
Penrhyn Miri Rub oil on; touch
Penrhyn Miro Twist, make a rope
Penrhyn Mimi Urinate; urine
Penrhyn Miti Lick, smack the lips, stick out tongue
Penrhyn Mete Lick; banana flower Problematic
Penrhyn Miti Salted coconut sauce