Entries from Shibata 2003 in Pollex-Online

Shibata, N. (2003). Penrhyn-English Dictionary. Kyoto, ELPR.

Language Item Description
Penrhyn Miti/ore Fermented coconut sauce
Penrhyn Moo For
Penrhyn Moa Fowl. hen
Penrhyn Moamoa Boxfish Ostracio spp.)
Penrhyn Moana Ocean; blue
Penrhyn Moemoeaa Dream, longing
Penrhyn Monga Nostril, wing of nose Problematic
Penrhyn Moe Sleep
Penrhyn Moenga Mat, sleeping mat
Penrhyn Mokoraa Duck
Penrhyn More/more Smooth, undecorated, bald
Penrhyn Morii Lamp
Penrhyn Haka/mori/ Worship act of worship
Penrhyn Moomona Fat part of fish; delicious
Penrhyn Moo/mono Plug (n)
Penrhyn Mono Replace, relieve, represent
Penrhyn Moo/te/tea Pale
Penrhyn Moto Fight, box, punch
Penrhyn Mootoro To meet a girlfriend at night in her sleeping room
Penrhyn Motu Be severed, snap; be cut, wounded
Penrhyn Motu (henua) Islet
Penrhyn Muu Snapper sp
Penrhyn Muu/muu Not sharp, blunt (of husking stick, scissors, knives, etc)
Penrhyn Mua Front, before
Penrhyn (Niimata) muko/muko Maturation stage of coconut fruit (still has edible husk, no flesh inside)
Penrhyn Mura To flame up
Penrhyn Muurare Dumb
Penrhyn Muri Rear, back, behind
Penrhyn Muru/muru Singe (of food animals)
Penrhyn Muna Secret (n)
Penrhyn Musi/musi Whisper, murmur Problematic
Penrhyn Mutu To end, cease; end (n). Blunt-ended (Bck).
Penrhyn Koo/mutu/mutu Humbug dascyllus Dascylluaruanu)
Penrhyn Na Particle marking nearness to the second person (hearer, addressee). The particle lengthens the final vowel of the preceding word.
Penrhyn Naa Possessive particle
Penrhyn -na 3rd person singular possession marker
Penrhyn Namu Mosquito
Penrhyn Nana Erect (penis)
Penrhyn Naanaa Wild (animal)
Penrhyn Nane To knead
Penrhyn Nanea Sufficient
Penrhyn Noo Open tridacna shells, separate flesh from shell; shell opener, a pointed stick made from ngangie wood
Penrhyn Noo/noo To grope a fish, put a hand into a hole in a rock to search for a fish
Penrhyn Nao/nao Small fly, gnat, etc.
Penrhyn Noonoo Small fly-like insect of any kind such as sand-fly, fruit-fly, midge and so on
Penrhyn Nati Draw tight; to bind (Rarotongan word) Borrowed
Penrhyn Natu(natu) Mix, knead
Penrhyn Nau/nau Parasitic vine sp. that looks like entangled fishing net (Cassytha filiformis). (Lepidium bidentatum) (McC).
Penrhyn Nee Please!
Penrhyn Nehu Muddy (water)