Entries from Shibata 2003 in Pollex-Online

Shibata, N. (2003). Penrhyn-English Dictionary. Kyoto, ELPR.

Language Item Description
Penrhyn Paatia Stab, thrust, inject; spear, javelin, lance
Penrhyn Paatiki Flatfish
Penrhyn Paatiti Drive (nail)
Penrhyn Paatohi To oppose Phonologically Irregular
Penrhyn Patu Build a coral lime or concrete house; coral lime or concrete wall
Penrhyn Paatuki Handfish, red-spotted hawkfish (Cirrhites spp.)
Penrhyn Pee- (in peeia, peenaa, peeraa) Like this/that
Penrhyn Pee Crushed; rotten but not smelling bad yet; ripe and about to suppurate; weak, lazy
Penrhyn Peehea How?
Penrhyn Peenaa Do like that, do as you are doing
Penrhyn Pekapeka Have a trouble, argue, quarrel; trouble, argument
Penrhyn Peke Climb; ride piggy-back
Penrhyn Pererau Wing
Penrhyn Pe/peru Turn back, turn up in making clothes and pandanus works
Penrhyn Penu Pandanus drupe. Hard outer ends of pandanus fruit (discarded) (Bck).
Penrhyn Pepe Butterfly, moth
Penrhyn Peehau Wing, flipper Problematic
Penrhyn Pese Chant (n), originally to tell who the singer was, where he came from...
Penrhyn Peu Culture, custom
Penrhyn Peva Tail fin of various fish spp.
Penrhyn Pii Unripe
Penrhyn Pii/saa Young fish, esp. young mackerel
Penrhyn Pii Sprinkle, spray, perfume
Penrhyn Pia Local arrowroot; tapioca; starch
Penrhyn Pia/pia Discharge from eyes, mucus
Penrhyn Piingoo Dragonfly
Penrhyn Piki Cling to, stick to
Penrhyn Piki Bent, crooked Phonologically Irregular
Penrhyn Pirau Decayed; to be rotten and smell bad, be stinky
Penrhyn Piri Adhere to
Penrhyn Piri/piri Snail sp. living on reef near shoreline (Nerita sp.)
Penrhyn Piri Riddle
Penrhyn Pipi Oyster shell; small shellfish, tree oyster (Isognomon spp.)
Penrhyn Piha Room Problematic
Penrhyn Pisi Splash, spurt, spray
Penrhyn Piti/piti To decide the order in a game by singing a chant Problematic
Penrhyn Pito Navel; navel string; lid of turban shell
Penrhyn Poo Night
Penrhyn Poa/poa Fish odour
Penrhyn Poe Pearl; to wear a flower on the ear
Penrhyn Poohatu Stone, rock
Penrhyn Poohue Morning glory sp.
Penrhyn Ponga Decayed
Penrhyn Poo/pongi Morning
Penrhyn Poi Mashed dish (of breadfruit)
Penrhyn Pookai Wind, bind, coil, spin
Penrhyn Poke To mix; pudding
Penrhyn Po/poki Cover (n), blanket
Penrhyn Pookia To be overwhelmed
Penrhyn Pora Plaited coconut leaf for thatch