Entries from Shibata 2003 in Pollex-Online

Shibata, N. (2003). Penrhyn-English Dictionary. Kyoto, ELPR.

Language Item Description
Penrhyn Pooreho Cowry shell spp.
Penrhyn Pona Node, joint; dress, one-piece dress-shirt
Penrhyn Popo Decayed
Penrhyn Poopoo-hia To knead
Penrhyn Poopoo Boiled dumpling; young breadfruit; young fruit, fruit bud
Penrhyn Poso Kind of large bluish green parrotfish Uncertain Semantic Connection
Penrhyn Pootaka Round, spherical
Penrhyn Poti/poti Cockroach
Penrhyn Pootiki Last born child (us. son); one's dear poor little child; weakest one in litter of piglets
Penrhyn Poto Short
Penrhyn Pou Post
Penrhyn Poo Dig holes for pillars, construct a building Problematic
Penrhyn Pooiri Dark, moonless
Penrhyn Pooito Plastic float
Penrhyn Puu Trumpet; Triton shell, trumpet shell
Penrhyn Puu Principal part of something; tree, stem of tree; master, employer; handle; upright part of hat; hat-block; butt end of pandanus leaf
Penrhyn Puu raakau Tree
Penrhyn Pua To bloom
Penrhyn Puaka Pig
Penrhyn Puuehu Dust; broken in pieces
Penrhyn Punga Coral; young soft coral; porite corals (Porites spp.); coral lime
Penrhyn Pungaa verevere Cobweb
Penrhyn Pui/pui Conceal, cover, plug; close (doorway)
Penrhyn Puka ama Sea hearse, Chinese Lantern Tree (Hernandia nymphaefolia)
Penrhyn Puke Mound, heap; heap up
Penrhyn Puke Gather
Penrhyn Puku Swelling, tumour; swell, become swollen
Penrhyn Puku/puku Muscles
Penrhyn Pura Luminescence, flash; to be flashed
Penrhyn Pura/pura Twinkle; glow with an unsteady light
Penrhyn Aa/pura Rise (of the new moon)
Penrhyn Puraka Wild taro, swamp taro (Cyrtosperma chamissonis)
Penrhyn Purapura Young coconut tree stage...
Penrhyn Puurau Hibiscus tiliaceus
Penrhyn Pure Pray
Penrhyn Puuroku To cover a person with the gifts, give a gift to; bride's veil; gift-giving feast for a leaving person; farewell meeting
Penrhyn Puru Coconut husk fibre
Penrhyn Puru/puru Ten (in a traditional coconut counting system)
Penrhyn Puru/sia To be welcome
Penrhyn Puna Small water pool on a rock
Penrhyn Saa/puna Pool, spurt forth, well up
Penrhyn Pinia Young animal Problematic
Penrhyn Punua Young animal (from Rarotongan) Problematic
Penrhyn Puupuu Rinse the mouth
Penrhyn Puupuu Shell used in making necklaces; land snails in general
Penrhyn Pua Soap, to wash Borrowed
Penrhyn Pu/pusi Blow, exhale; splash, spray; smoke; blowpipe
Penrhyn Pusi(pusi) To smoke
Penrhyn Pu/puhi Shoot, gun Problematic
Penrhyn Pusi Moray eel; roundworm