Entries from Buse 1996 in Pollex-Online

Buse, J. (1996). Cook Islands Maori dictionary with English-Cook Islands Maori finderlist. Canberra, Pacific Linguistics.

Language Item Description
Rarotongan Moo/re/reʔu Dim, weak (of light)
Rarotongan Nguutupa Door, doorway, gate(way), entrance
Rarotongan Puʔera Open, unfold(ed), of blossoms, eyes, umbrella; blossom, flower (n).
Rarotongan Puu nuu Coconut palm
Rarotongan Ranga-ʔia To search for something
Rarotongan Tikaai, tika ai Really, definitely, certainly
Rarotongan Tupe rauʔara A disc-shaped roll of dried pandanus leaves
Rarotongan Tupe varaaoa Large round or square biscuit
Rarotongan Vaaere/nga A piece of land which has been cleared, weeded or partly weeded
Rarotongan Vaʔanga Flat piece, fragment, bit
Rarotongan Areare Clear (of water); weak (of tea, coffee); transparent (of glass)
Rarotongan Koorare Lance, wooden javelin
Rarotongan ʔUngaʔunga Pieces, fragments, crumbs; to shatter, be in pieces
Rarotongan Ka/i/ʔara The aerial brace-roots of the pandanus tree
Rarotongan Kaatinga(a ika) Biting place on the back of a fish's neck
Rarotongan Kauamo Carry jointly (on carrying pole, stretcher, or with linked hands)
Rarotongan Maakona Leader of a fishing party; captain of a *pua* disc-throwing team
Rarotongan Ngaateitei High rank(ing)
Rarotongan ʔEiaʔa Don't (weaker than *auraka, and often cautionary rather than imperative)
Rarotongan Au Several, many (usually translatable by English plural)
Rarotongan ʔAkamaʔara Remind, jog someone's memory, remember
Rarotongan ʔAkamaaʔara/ʔara Remember, reminisce
Rarotongan ʔIikoke Thin (of people and animals), gaunt, skinny, lean
Rarotongan ʔIti tangata Race, clan or tribe of people
Rarotongan ʔOoronga Give something (e.g. a present, permission, information); generous
Rarotongan ʔUriʔuri Debate, discuss, argue, exchange opinions
Rarotongan ʔUri/ʔia Hurricane, cyclone
Rarotongan ʔAaua Fence in (vt); any fenced or walled enclosure... Phonologically Irregular
Rarotongan Ngaa/koʔi/koʔi Quick (of pace or legs) Phonologically Irregular
Rarotongan Maaoro Massage (v)
Rarotongan Maaoro/oro Rub gently, fondle
Rarotongan Moo/moke Legendary inhabitants of the underworld, said to have very fair hair and skin, and quivering eyes
Rarotongan Ngutuʔare Home, household
Rarotongan Ruuʔau Old, aged; old man
Rarotongan ʔUutee A song with marked four-beat rhythm, often with narrative or love interest, or composed to commemorate some event; to sing an *'uutee*.
Rarotongan Vai Keep, remain, stay, last, exist (over a period of time or in a given place)
Rarotongan Vai/ranga Place where something is kept, container, receptacle
Rarotongan Tuku Cast or pay out net
Rarotongan Tuku/nga Fishing ground (where net is cast)
Rarotongan Vini(vini) Shudder, recoil in horror, fear or aversion; be horrified; horrifying, repellent, aghast
Rarotongan Vene Sweet, sweetness
Rarotongan Varenga Engrossed, beguiled, distracted, absorbed; become familiar, tame, lose shyness
Rarotongan Vae Rib of boat
Rarotongan Taavai-a, -ʔia Add liquid to something
Rarotongan Taumaaroo Argue, debate; argument, dispute
Rarotongan Tapa/a-tai Water edge, tidemark, beach
Rarotongan Taaparu Make something lax, limp, flabby, yielding...; coax, cajole, flatter, persuade
Rarotongan Taka/ʔua Left one one's own, esp. of a widower; someone left alone through bereavement, etc.
Rarotongan ʔE mea kino te matangi The wind was something awful
Rarotongan Rooroo Long-mouthed wrasse, a fish whose shape resembles the coconut spathe; cream-coloured with green tip to tail; edible