Entries from Stokes 1955 in Pollex-Online

Stokes, J. F. G. (1955). "Language in Rapa." Journal of the Polynesian Society 64: 315-340.

Language Item Description
Rapa Vae/vae Leg, foot
Rapa Vaʔa Mouth
Rapa Vaʔi Part
Rapa Veʔi/nga Small bundle
Rapa Vai Water (Sks)
Rapa Vaka Canoe
Rapa Vaka Army, clan
Rapa Vaʔu Eight Phonologically Irregular
Rapa Vana Echinus sp., sea urchin
Rapa Vera To burn (vi)
Rapa Ta/veru Cape of frayed ti leaves; a rain cape
Tuamotu Paroro-muri The fourth or eleventh month, April or February
Tuamotu Teenaa That, there by you; referential; location near addressee, away from speaker
Rapa Moku Fern spp...
Rapa Mou A rush or sedge Borrowed
Rapa Mouʔu An herb -- leaves dried in sun for hat making, root used for food Borrowed
Rapa Meia hamoa, meia papaa Introduced varieties of banana Borrowed
Rapa Ngaʔe A fern (same as na'e ?) Phonologically Irregular
Rapa Ngaie A fern Phonologically Irregular
Rapa Papaa Rock crab, common form Phonologically Irregular
Rapa Pakapaka/raumia Crab -- like small papaa with small shell
Rapa Varua Soul, spirit. Ghost (Grn).
Rapa Raaraa Dry branches, firewood
Rapa Taratara Rough, spiky
Tuamotu ŋaki To occupy oneself with, apply oneself to the completion of; to cherish, nourish, take good care of; to serve devotedly...
Rapa Kataʔi One Problematic
Rapa Kataʔi One Problematic
Rapa Koʔe Bamboo fish pole
Rapa Kave Strand or ply
Rapa Kave turu Three-strand rope
Rapa Mangamanga Ferns (Asplenium adianoides, Pteris comans)
Rapa Rongouru Ten
Rapa Tuku To release, give
Rapa Kirinutu (-ngutu?) Palate Problematic