#98: Mats, Baskets, Cordage, Bark Cloth.
Reconstruction | Description |
AFO | Cord, especially fishing line |
AMO.1B | Prepare fibres for string-making; prepared fibre (Rby) *am(o,u) |
EFU.2 | Finely woven mat |
FALA.1 | Plaited pandanus mat |
FATU-GA.2 | Edge, border (of mat or garment) |
FE-QUNU | Strand of rope or cord; single element in plaiting or weaving |
FENUQU.A* | Strand of rope or cord; single element in plaiting, netting, etc.: *fenu(u) |
FENUQU.B | Some procedure in plaiting or braiding |
FII-TOI | To separate parts of a leaf for processing: *fii-t(a, o)(o, i) |
GAFI-GAFI | Thin, worn (of cloth); a kind of mat |
GATU.1 | Barkcloth that has been used |
IKE | Tapa beater |
KAAPITI.2 | Mat woven from coconut fronds |
KAFA.1 | Sennit, coconut husk fibre |
KAKA.1B | Envelope enclosing a part of animal or plant |
KATO.1 | Basket |
KAWE.2B | Straps for carrying something on the back |
KETE.A | Bag, basket |
KUPETI | Stencil used to mark motifs on tapa cloth |
LAFI.3 | Paper mulberry, barkcloth |
LAU-FALA | Pandanus leaves for weaving; a type of pandanus |
LUFA | Used or re-used cordage or cloth |
MAEA.1 | Rope |
MANU.1C | Kite |
MASAGA.2 | Noose, snare |
MASI.2 | Bark-cloth; loincloth |
MINI-MINI | Mat for valuables |
PA-FOA | Beat bark-cloth |
PAA-UA | Mat plaited from coconut fronds |
PAO.2 | Fringe, tassle |
PENA.2 | Strap, such as a belt, halter, snare; to bind up, wrap |
PIIKAO | Package |
POLA.1 | Plaited coconut leaf |
PUU-KORO | Container, bag |
PUUTEE | Bag, sack |
QEPA | Mats used in ceremonial or ritual *(q)epa |
SELE.1A | Snare; tie up |
SIKI.2 | Finish the ends or edges of a mat |
TAA-POLA | Basket plaited from a single coconut frond |
TAAIKI | Snare |
TAATAI.1 | Hanger for water container |
TAFETA.B | Small basket or bag |
TAGA.1A | Bag |
TALI.3A | Cord, noose, anything used for tying |
TAPA.1A | Bark-cloth |
TAPAKAU | Coconut leaf plaited to form a mat |
TAPE.2 | Basket variety |
TAURA | Rope |
TEGI-TEGI | A type of plaiting |
TOO-TOO | Carrying net |
54 entries found