#57: Speech.

Reconstruction Description
ALOA To treat with kindness and respect
AMU Revile, mock
ENE.2 Ask for something
FAA.2 Hoarse
FAI-FEKAU Carry a message, do work; messenger, worker
FAI.2C Say, tell
FAKA-.4 Quotative: to say "...", particularly with words for "yes" and "no"
FAKA-LESI Deceive; *faka(le)lesi
FAKA-LOGO Be silent, not speak
FAKA-MELE Disparage, defame
FAKA-NOA Refuse to listen or speak, take no interest
FAKA-QILO Inform, announce
FAKA-WALE Behave irrationally or foolishly; deceive
FANA.3 Whisper
FAQAKI Disclose information about, tell
FE-SILI Ask, question
FOLA-FOLA Announce, proclaim, say publicly
FULI-FULI Discuss, turn over in the mind
FUTA.1 To inflate, swell up; float of fishing net; to boast
GALA Hoarse, snarl
GANA.2B To speak; speech, language
HUU.1 Ask, enquire (vi)
ISE.2 Shoo away, drive away (fowls etc.)
KAAKAA.2 Deceive, boast, provocative or aggressive talk
KAAPIKI To name (something)
KALAGA To call out (to someone)
KAMA.1 Talkative
KANAGA Joke, personal taunt
KATAMU Make noise with lips, mutter
KII.1 Say, speak
KOHI Chatter, talk nonsense: *koh(i,e)
KOLE Beseech, ask for, beg
KOMA.3 Verbal abuse or derision
KOO-LELO Speak, orate, recite
KOO-SUMU Murmur, grumble
KOTE Chatter, talk nonsense
KUHU Stutter or other speech difficulty
KUPU.1B Curse, insult
LAPA.3 Disordered or inappropriate speech
LASU Lie, deceive
LAU-GA Public discourse, speech: *la(a)uga
LAU.2A Speak formally; mention, enumerate, recite; count; read
LEA Speak
LESI Deceive, lie; false
LOGO Silent: *(l,r)ogo
MAI-MAI Call to approach

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