#57: Speech.
Reconstruction | Description |
ALOA | To treat with kindness and respect |
AMU | Revile, mock |
ENE.2 | Ask for something |
FAA.2 | Hoarse |
FAI-FEKAU | Carry a message, do work; messenger, worker |
FAI.2C | Say, tell |
FAKA-.4 | Quotative: to say "...", particularly with words for "yes" and "no" |
FAKA-FETAQI | To thank |
FAKA-FITI | Refuse |
FAKA-LESI | Deceive; *faka(le)lesi |
FAKA-LOGO | Be silent, not speak |
FAKA-MELE | Disparage, defame |
FAKA-NOA | Refuse to listen or speak, take no interest |
FAKA-QILO | Inform, announce |
FAKA-WALE | Behave irrationally or foolishly; deceive |
FANA.3 | Whisper |
FAQAKI | Disclose information about, tell |
FE-SILI | Ask, question |
FOLA-FOLA | Announce, proclaim, say publicly |
FULI-FULI | Discuss, turn over in the mind |
FUTA.1 | To inflate, swell up; float of fishing net; to boast |
GALA | Hoarse, snarl |
GANA.2B | To speak; speech, language |
HELE | Deny |
HUU.1 | Ask, enquire (vi) |
ISE.2 | Shoo away, drive away (fowls etc.) |
KAAKAA.2 | Deceive, boast, provocative or aggressive talk |
KAAPIKI | To name (something) |
KALAGA | To call out (to someone) |
KAMA.1 | Talkative |
KANAGA | Joke, personal taunt |
KATAMU | Make noise with lips, mutter |
KII.1 | Say, speak |
KOHI | Chatter, talk nonsense: *koh(i,e) |
KOLE | Beseech, ask for, beg |
KOMA.3 | Verbal abuse or derision |
KOO-LELO | Speak, orate, recite |
KOO-SUMU | Murmur, grumble |
KOTE | Chatter, talk nonsense |
KUHU | Stutter or other speech difficulty |
KUPU.1B | Curse, insult |
LAPA.3 | Disordered or inappropriate speech |
LASU | Lie, deceive |
LAU-GA | Public discourse, speech: *la(a)uga |
LAU.2A | Speak formally; mention, enumerate, recite; count; read |
LEA | Speak |
LESI | Deceive, lie; false |
LOGO | Silent: *(l,r)ogo |
MAI-MAI | Call to approach |
114 entries found