Pollex Reconstructed Protoforms

Level Reconstruction Description
TEINA.* Younger sibling or cousin of the same sex
TEKA.1 Roll, rotate, spin
TEKA.2A Dart
TEKA.2B Penis
TEKA.3 Cross-piece (in house timbers or other structure)
TEKE.1 Crooked; deceitful
TEKE.2 Keep something upright by a stabilising support or a prop
TEKE.3 ??
TEKE.4 Reject, refuse
TEKI.1 To hop
TEKI.2 To twitch, or make a sudden movement, start
TEKO.1 Project (v), stand out
TEKO.2 White
TEKO.3 Proud, haughty
TELA Upper, frontal surface; front of head of fish or animal
TELE.1 Peel, pare, shave
TELE.2 Increase, grow
TELE.3A Run, move quickly
TELE.3B Flow, as liquid
TENI Exalt, magnify
TEO Clitoris
TEPA Look sideways, glance at
TEPE Congeal, clot
TO TEPU Lump, knot, protuberance
TEQE-AGA Careless, inattentive; common
TEQE-AI Negative existential and pro-form; not exist, none, no
TEQE-MUU Be quiet, silent
TO TEQE.1 Excrement
TEQE.2 Ooze out, squeeze out (as excrement, pus, milk, gas)
TEQETEQE Pufferfishes (Hpr)
TERE.A Move swiftly and smoothly, in or on water: swim (as fish), sail (as canoe)
TERE.B To travel, voyage; travelling party
TERO Perineal area
TETE Shiver, tremble
TEU.1 To tidy up, put in order, decorate
TEU.2 A fish (Caranx sp.)
TEWE A plant (Amorphophallus campanulatus)
TIA.1A A stake, post; stick in a peg or a needle
TIA.1B To sew, make a net
TIA.2 Lower abdomen
TIAKI To guard; to wait for
TIALE Flower (Gardenia taitensis)
TIFA.1A Pearl shell
TIFA.1B Insert, inlay, patch
TIFA.2 Soar, swerve
TIFI Tip, point, extremity
TIFI-TIFI Butterfly Fish spp. (Chaetodontidae)
TII-KARO Scoop out, gouge out (as of eye) -: *tii-karo

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