Pollex Reconstructed Protoforms

Level Reconstruction Description
TAU-LEKALEKA.A Youth; young man
TAU-LEKALEKA.B Handsome, beautiful
TAU-LOGO Tell news
TAU-LUA Two of a kind, pair
TAU-MAFA.* Heavy
TAU-MAMAQO Far off, very distant
TAU-MATA Eyeshade
TAU-MULI Stern of canoe
TAU-MUQA Foredeck of a canoe
TAU-NAMU Mosquito net: *ta(i,u)namu
TAU-PILI Follow closely, be closely associated
TAU-QA War, war-party
TAU-QI Pay, repay, compensate (Rby). Exchange, change.
TAU-RAKI Dry in air or sun
TAU-RUA A double canoe
TAU-SALA To err, get it wrong
TAU-SINU.* Tree Heliotrope (Tournefortia argentea): *tau-s(i,u)nu
TAU-SOA Be a couple, do something as a couple or pair; be friends
TAU-SUNI.* Tree Heliotrope (Tournefortia argentea)
TAU-TAFA Edge, border (Rby)
TAU-TAHI An expert in seafaring and associated skills (Ebt)
TAU-TALI To follow
TAU-TAMA Suckle an infant; take care of a child
TAU-TASA Single, only one
TAU-TAU Quarrel
TAU-TONU On time, at the right time; at the right time or place, in the right manner
TAU-TURU Support, help
TAU-WALO To exclaim, cry out
TAU.1 Skilful at, familiar with; suitable, fitting
TAU.10 Be hit (Rby): *tau-lia
TAU.11 Pick (fruit, flowers, leaves)
TAU.12 Cover (vt); covering of earth oven
TAU.13 Carry (or be carried) on back
TAU.2 Hang, be suspended
TAU.3 Count, tell; read (Ebt) *(ta)tau
TAU.4 War, fight, make war
TAU.5 Come to rest, perch, alight (as a bird), anchor (as a vessel), arrive by sea
TAU.6 End section of canoe
TAU.8 Song
TAU.ŋ Reef or shoal
TAUALA Luff, sail close to the wind
TAUIRA Pupil, acolyte
TAULOKO A plant (Solanum sp.)
TAUMAFA Ceremonial food; offering to the gods
TAUME Spathe of coconut palm
TAUNAPE Loincloth
TAUPE Hang, droop, bend down: *(ta(a))upe
TAUPOO An inflamed ulcer or carbuncle: *taupo(o,a)

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