Pollex Reconstructed Protoforms

Level Reconstruction Description
TII-PAO Bit by bit
TII-PAPA Lie face down
TII-PUTA To make a hole in something; a type of cape or poncho
TII-RAFA Be lying on one's back
TII-SAE Tear, rend
TII-TAFA Swerve to one side, slant
TII-TII Seabird sp
TII-TOI Retract foreskin; masturbate; insult
TII-TOKO Prop (v); action with a pole or similar object
TII.1 Plant sp. (Cordyline fruticosa [= terminalis])
TII.2 Throw v
TII.3 Shine (of sun)
TII.4 Spurt
TIKA.A Dart, throw a dart
TIKA.B Straight, correct, true
CK TIKAAI Post-verbal particle: emphatic
TIKE.1A Sit so as to be above one sitting on ground; squat
TIKE.1B Lofty, high, exalted, elevated
TIKE.1C Walk or stand on tiptoe
NO TIKE.2 Turn, rotate
TIKI-RAU Place name
TIKI-TIKI Traditional person
TIKI.1 Carved human image
TIKI.2 Fetch something: *tiki(-na)
TIKI.3 Tie, bind
TIKO-TARA Kingfisher (Halcyon sp.): *(t,s)iko-tara
TIKO.A Defecate
TIKO.B Menses
TILA Mast, yardarm
TILI.1A Cast, throw, fish with a casting net
TILI.1B A kind of hand-net
TILI.2 Drip
TILI.3 Strike repeatedly as in hammering, adzing (Rby)
TILI.4 Be fertile, produce offspring
TILO Tree sp., Calophyllum
TIMO.1 A plant (Cucurbit)
TIMO.2 Peck (as a bird)
TIMU.1 Squall, rain
TIMU.2 Contract (of muscles); withdraw: *t(i,u)mu
TINA Wedge
TINA-NA.A Mother
TINA-QI Extinguish (a flame); destroy
TINANA.B Body, trunk
TINAQE.A Intestines, belly
TINAQE.B Pregnant
TINI-LAU A mythical hero
TINI.1A Reach a goal or a tally; a tally
TINI.1B A large number, many
TINI.2 Praise publicly

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