Pollex Reconstructed Protoforms

Level Reconstruction Description
TAQA.2 Sweat
TAQAGA Composition; words or gesturesto music
TAQAKI Pull up or out, hoist, extract
TAQE-KI Not yet
TAQE-PUPULU Sea cucumber (beche de mer) species
TAQE-TULI.1 Ear wax
TAQE-TULI.2 A millipede or centipede
TAQE.1 Excrement
TAQE.2 Negativiser
TAQO-KAWE. Coconut variety
TAQO-KUPU Hip, waist: *taq(o,u)(puku, kupu)
TAQO-PATU Upper ridgepole above the *taqufufu *taq(o,u)-p(a,o)tu
TAQO.1 Cook in earth oven
TAQO.2A Press down, weigh down with a weight: *taqo(mi)
TAQO.2B Wooden poles weighing down roof thatch
TAQO.3A Cover, conceal
TAQO.3B Sit on eggs
TAQOKETE.A Older sibling of the same sex
TAQOKETE.B Sibling-in-law of the same sex
TAQU.1 Season, year
TAQU.2A Preposed particle marking nouns as plural or members of a class
TAQU.2B Age-class, generation
TAQUFUFU Ridge-pole: *taq(o,u)fufu
TARA The end wall of a house
TARAIRE A tree (Terminalia sp.)
TARU Fat (adj)
TASI.1 One
TASI.2 Scrape, shave, whittle
TATA.1 Near
TATA.2 Pull, tug, jerk
TATAA Canoe bailer; to bail out water from a canoe
TATAGIA A tree (Acacia sp.) (Clk)
TATAQO To follow, chase
TATAU.1 Tattoo
TATAU.2 Equal, the same as; to match, fit (Rby)
TATAU.3 Wring out, squeeze out, express (Rby)
TATE Garbled speech
TATIFI Fish sp. (Naso sp.) (Hpr)
TATUU Agitated or uncontrolled movement
TAU-.14 Prefix to numerals, deriving nouns which denote a group (bunch, cluster) of that number
TAU-.7A Prefix marking reciprocal action or repeated action
TAU-.7B Prefix indicating reciprocal kin relation
TAU-AMA Rope connecting outrigger with canoe
TAU-FAA Squall, rain storm; a constellation
TAU-LA Anchor
TAU-LAGA Anchorage

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