Protoform: TELE.3A [SO] Run, move quickly
Description: | Run, move quickly |
Reconstruction: | Reconstructs to SO: Samoic-Outlier Polynesian |
Notes: | *0 << PN *tere.a "sail, move swiftly and smoothly" |
Pollex entries:
Language | Reflex | Description | Source |
East Futuna | Tele | Se dépécher, se précipiter | (Mfr) |
East Uvea | Tele | Aller vite, marcher vite | (Rch) |
Easter Island | Tere | Flee | (Wbr) |
Emae | Tere | Run | (Clk) |
Ifira-Mele | Tere | Run | (Clk) |
Luangiua | Kele | Run | (Smd) |
Luangiua | Ke/kele | Umher laufen [run around] | (Sar) |
New Zealand Maori | Tere | Swift, moving quickly, active, hasty Problematic | (Wms) |
Nuguria | Tere | Walk, move fast (of humans) | (Dvl) |
Nukumanu | Tele | Run | (Fbg) |
Rennellese | Tege | Run, escape | (Ebt) |
Rotuman | Fere | Fly, leap, bounce Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Cwd) |
Samoan | Tele/aʔi | Run quickly | (Prt) |
Sikaiana | Tele | Run; travel by foot along the reef between the main island {Hale} and the small islands on the western side of the atoll {Muli Akau} | (Dnr) |
Takuu | Tere | Move swiftly over ground or water, chase after s.t. or s.o. (of a person or animal with legs) run | (Mle) |
Tikopia | Tere | Move quickly, speed | (Fth) |
Vaeakau-Taumako | Tele | Move (fast) | (Hvn) |
West Futuna | Tere | To run, move, go (with singular subject) | (Dty) |
West Uvea | Tele | Courir | (Hmn) |
19 entries found
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