Protoform: FESI.1 [PN] Tree sp. (Intsia bijuga)

Description: Tree sp. (Intsia bijuga)
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to PN: Polynesian

*2 PCP *vesi"a coastal forest tree taxon including Pongamia pinnata and Intsia bijuga" (LPO III:170)
*4 POc *pesi "a coastal forest tree, perhaps Pongamia pinnata" (LPO III:170)

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
East Futuna Vesi Large tree, probably Intsia bijuga (Bgs)
East Uvea Fesi Tree from which tapa-cloth beaters made. Probably Intsia bijuga (Rch)
Fijian Vesi Intsia bijuga (Cpl)
Rotuman Fesi Tree sp.(Insia bijuga) Borrowed (Cwd)
Tikopia Fesi Tree sp. (Fth)
Tongan Fehi (fisi) Hardwood tree (Intsia bijuga) (Whr)
Vaeakau-Taumako Vei A big tree growing at the seaside, its strong wood is used for canoes and posts Phonologically Irregular (Hvn)
Waya Vesi Tree taxon including Intsia bijuga and Pongamia pinnata (Ply)

8 entries found

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