Pollex Reconstructed Protoforms

Level Reconstruction Description
FAKATAU Proper name, the avenger of Apakula's son: *(F,W)akatau
FAKI Pick, pluck (especially fruit)
FALA-FALA.1 Plant sp
FALA-FALA.2 Freshwater eel
FALA-SOLA A kind of Pandanus: *fa(l, r)a-sola
FALA.1 Plaited pandanus mat
FALA.2 Grave
FALA.3 Injured, damaged
FALAGI Plant sp., Melicope
FALALA.A Lean, stoop; slant *fa(a)lala
FALALA.B Blow (against)
FALAU Canoe shed: *f(a,o)lau
FALE House n
FALE KOLOA Trade store, shop
SF FALE-TOLU Traditional name for some subgroup of the population
FALELO Coral sp. (probably staghorn) (Hwd)
FALU Some, any, other: *fa(l,n)u
FANA-KIO Tree sp. (Sterculia)
FANA.1 Shoot with a bow
FANA.2 Hot; heat n
TO FANA.3 Whisper
FANAGA Story intended for entertainment and usually containIng repetitions of a short chant
FANAKE.* Ascend, rise
FANAU Have child, give birth, bear
FANAU-GA A consanguineous kin group
FANO-GA Journey; travelling party
FANO.1 To go (of one person)
FANO.2 Wash one's hands
FANO.3 Menstruation, to menstruate
FANO.4 A tree (Guettarda speciosa) (Clk)
FANOGO.A Hear, listen
FANOGO.B Tale, story
FANUA-MAMALA A tree (Omalanthus [= Homalanthus])
FANUA.A Land, country
FANUA.B Placenta, afterbirth
FAO Tree (Neisosperma[= Ochrosia] sp.)
FAQA-I To open wide
FAQA-SI Part, side or half of something
FAQA.1 Stalk n
FAQA.2 Habituative particle
FAQA.3 To burst, split or be cut open *fa(q)a
FAQA.4 Work hard
TO FAQAHI Able to, capable of
FAQAKI Disclose information about, tell
FAQALA Search for lice
FAQAO Seize, take by force, rob
FAQAPUKU Hold something in the mouth
FAQASI-GA Kind, sort
FAQEA Mother: *faqe(a)

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