Pollex Reconstructed Protoforms

Level Reconstruction Description
KAWEU. Coconut crab (Birgus latro)
KAWIKI Crab sp., ghost crab (Ocypode sp.)
KE Verbal particle introducing subordinate clauses; in order to, so that
KEA.1 Thrush (throat infection): *ke(q)a
KEA.2 Hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata)
KEA.3 Breadfruit sp
KEE.1 Second person singular preposed subject pronoun: *ke(e)
KEE.2 Quarrel
KEFU Light-coloured (blond, brown, reddish) especially of hair
KEGO Pitch dark
KEHE Different, be different, other
KEHO.1 Sharp point
KEHO.2 A kind of stone (Clk): *ke(f,s)o
KEI Locative particle, at
KEKE Stiff, hard, inflexible
KEKE-KEKE (Type of) noise or motion
KEKEE Cry loudly
KEKESO Marine sp
KEKO Squint
KELA Dirty
KELE-A Dirty: *kele(kele)-a
KELE-MUTU Earthworm, grub
KELE.A Earth, dirt, soil
KELE.B Dirty, soiled, unclean: *kele(kele)
KELE.C Dark, black: *kele(-kele)
KELI Dig v
KELO.1A Sink down, sunken, deep
KELO.1B Dead, or dying
KELO.2 Close one eye, wink, look out of one eye
KELO.3 Reddish-brown
KEMO Wink, blink
KENA.1A Light-coloured
KENA.1B Booby (Sula sp.)
CK KENA.1C Dry, unproductive
KENA.1D Glowing; red-hot
KENU Disturb earth (especially with foot); dig
KERE-TUU A kind of stone
KESA A colour term denoting pale, unsaturated colours
KESE Different
KETA.* Tight, stiff; be stubborn
KETAHA.* Bird's nest fern (Asplenium nidus)
KETE-KETE Chirp, chatter (of birds); cluck (as hen); click with tongue
KETE.A Bag, basket
KETE.B Belly
KETO. Rotten
KETU.1 Turn over, lift up, root up, rummage
KETU.2 Limp; lame
KEU.1 Move, push, shift something; turn aside; reject or rebuff

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