Pollex Reconstructed Protoforms

Level Reconstruction Description
KO-TAKE A bird
KO-TOU Second person plural preposed subject pronoun
KO-TUTO To be pleased with oneself
KO.1 Preposition marking topic, nominal predicate and other functions; specifier
KO.2 Progressive aspect marker
KOA.1 Post-posed emphatic particle
KOA.2 Glad
KOA.3 Scum or froth on water
KOAMA.* Young Goatfish (Mulloidycthys)
KOATA A small gap or point
KOE Second person singular pronoun (independent)
KOEKOE Intestines
KOERE Fresh-water eel: *k(ou)ere
KOFE-KOFE Plant sp.
KOFE.A Bamboo sp
KOFE.B Artefact of bamboo
KOFI Gather, collect
KOFU.1A Wrap up; covering; parcel (esp. of food)
KOFU.1B Clothing, especially that put on over the head
KOFU.2 Mist, fog, steam, spray, dust (in air), smoke; to give off or be covered with mist etc.
KOGA Fragment, part; place
KOGA-A-LOTO Middle portion, centre
KOHI Chatter, talk nonsense: *koh(i,e)
KOHO Digging stick, husking stake: *ko(h,s)o
KOI-GA Boundary
CK KOI-KOI Clitoris, uvula
KOI.1 Shellfish sp
KOI.2*. Sharp
KOI.3 Preposed verbal particle of continuity; still, while
KOI.4 Lest
KOI.5 Quick
KOKA Tree sp. (Bischofia javanica)
KOKE Thrust with sharp object
KOKI Be lame, to limp
KOKO-MI Press down on
KOKO.1 Scoop up in the hands, press, squeeze
KOKO.2 Whirl, swirl
KOKO.3 Sago
KOKO.4 Bay
KOKOLO Gurgling or rumbling noise, to make such
KOKOMA Internal organ
KOKOO Cluck, crow (noises of fowls)
KOLE Beseech, ask for, beg
KOLEMU Clitoris
KOLI.1A To move: *ko(l,n)i
KOLI.1B To dance; rejoice, be happy: *ko(l,n)i
KOLI.2 A tree (Syzygium neurocalyx) with perfumed fruit

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