Pollex Reconstructed Protoforms

Level Reconstruction Description
KOROTEA Banana variety
KOROUA Old, decrepit; old man
KOSI Scrape, scratch (Rby)
KOTA Scrapings, refuse
KOTE Chatter, talk nonsense
KOTI-GA Boundary, limit
KOTI.1 Cut, clip (of hair)
KOTI.2 A fish
KOTO.1 Cackle (of hen)
KOTO.2 Break off, pluck (as leaves)
KOU-LUA Second person dual pronoun (independent)
KOU-TOU Second person plural pronoun (independent)
KOU.1 Protuberance, protruding object or part: *ko(q)u
KOU.2 Uncastrated pig
KOUKOU Bird sp. (Owl or Petrel)
KOWI.A Abnormal condition of skin
KU-KUTI Hand-net for fishing
KU.2 Perfect aspect marker
CK KUA...KEE Marking already completed action or assumption of state
KUA.1 Perfect aspect
KUA.2 Shell money
FU KUAGA Trunk, waist
KUAGO A fish (Lethrinus sp.)
KUEI Scraper
KUFENE. ??: *ku(f)ene
KUGA Corner, place, area
KUHA Long for someone: *ku(f,s)a
KUHANE Ghost, soul, spirit: *ku(f,s)ane
KUHU Stutter or other speech difficulty
KUI.1 Blind
KUI.2 Elderly female (CE), grandparent, ancestor (TON)
KUIA A sea-bird
KUKA.1 Mangrove Crab
KUKINA Sound of impact; some aspect of vocal sound
KUKU.1A Grasp, hold in the hand
KUKU.1B Draw together, bunch things together, ruck up
KUKU.2 Mussel sp
KUKU.3 Strip off, as leaves, bark
KULA-KULA Red, inflamed skin
KULA.1B Bird spp
KULA.1C Precious; treasure
KULA.2 Circumcision
KULAPO Fish sp.
KULO Cooking-pot
KULU-KULU.1 A dove (Ptilinopus sp.)
KULU-KULU.2 A kind of yam

5665 entries found