Pollex Reconstructed Protoforms

Level Reconstruction Description
MANA-QIA Attractive (person): *ma(a)na`ia
MANA-UI A large tree (Garuga floribunda)
MANA.1 Power, effectiveness, prestige
MANA.2 Thunder
MANA.3 A kind of crustacean: *mana(a)
MANAFA Open ground
MANAFUNE A legendary people
MANAKO To desire
MANATAA Troubled, worried, annoyed
MANATU Remember, think of
MANAWA-NUI Patience, fortitude, courage
MANAWA.1 Belly
MANAWA.2 Anterior fontanelle
MANEGA Parrotfish sp
MANENE Wanderer or exile
MANIA.1 Shudder, be set on edge (of teeth)
RO MANINI.1 Convict Tang (Acanthurus triostegus)
MANINI.2 Pleasant, agreeable
MANINO.* Calm (of water)
MANO A thousand counting units
MANO TINI Number indefinitely large
MANOGI Fragrant, perfumed
MANOKO Small fish of several genera including Gobies and Rock Skippers
MANONO A tree (Tarenna sambucina): *manon(ou)
MANU-A Infested; full of insects or other small creatures
MANU-FIRI Visitor, guest, stranger
MANU-MAQA Many-coloured Fruit Dove (Ptilinopus perousii)
MANU-MEA A bird species
MANU.1A Bird; living creature (excluding humans, fish)
MANU.1B Name of a star or constellation
MANU.1C Kite
NO MANU.2 Smell (especially bad smell)
MANU.3 Canoe part
MANUKA.1 Wound, sore: *ma(a)nuka
CK MANUKA.2 Tree sp (Leptospermum): *ma(a)nuka
MANUNU.1 Burnt off, of vegetation
MANUNU.2 Break (as bones)
MANUU Good fortune (Clk)
MANUU-QIA Successful, fortunate
MAO.1 Cease raining
MAO.2 Do something by chance (and unfortunately), accidentally
MAOA Limp, languid
MAPA A kind of tree (Diospyros major)
MAPE.A Tahitian chestnut (Inocarpus fagifer(us) [= edulis]): *ma(a)pe(e)
MAPE.B Kidney
MAPO Mealy (of taro)

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