Pollex Reconstructed Protoforms

Level Reconstruction Description
MAPU Whistle, breathe hard
FU MAPU-SAKI To moan, groan (Rby)
MAQA-LAWA Tree sp. *(maqa)maqa-lawa (Grf)
MAQA-MAQA.A Light (in weight)
MAQA.1 Clean, light-coloured
MAQA.2 Benefactive particle, for
MAQAA Brother-in-law (man speaking), sister-in-law (woman speaking)
MAQAFU.2 Magellan Clouds
MAQAGA Mouthful of food
MAQAHI Salty, acid
MAQI Negative imperative: don't!
MAQI-KAO Finger, toe: *ma(q)i-kao
MAQI-KUKU Nail (of finger or toe), claw, hoof: *ma(q)i-kuku
MAQITAKI Good, pleasant
MAQITO Surgeonfish (Acanthuridae), possibly (Ctenochaetus striatus) (Quoy & Gaimard)
MAQOLI True, real, genuine: *ma(a)qoli
MAQONI.* True, genuine: *ma(a)qoni
MAQOTA A tree (Dysoxylum sp.)
MAQU-.2 Prefix to locative bases indicating (further) in the direction of
MAQU-A Hold, take, obtain, find
MAQU-KOLOA Wealthy, having many possessions
MAQU-LALO Low, humble
MAQU-QALUGA High, higher, high-ranking
MAQU.1 Fixed, firm; constant, persistent, permanent; caught, stuck, snagged
MAQUGA Mountain
MAQULI Life principle, soul, spirit
MAQURI Alive, live; life
MARA Food fermented to preserve it, or to enhance the taste
MARAGAI.* South-east quarter and wind
MARAWA Rabbitfish (Teuthis rostratus) (Hpr)
MAROKO Dry: *m(a,o)rok(a,o,e)
MARONA To die down, to be brought down: *ma(r,l)ona
MAROO Hard (not soft), stiff, dry
MASA-IA High and dry, stranded by receding water
MASA.1 Dry, empty (of liquid), low (of tide)
MASA.2 Bitter
MASAFU Weapon (Rby)
MASAGA.1 Forked, branching (Clk)
MASAGA.2 Noose, snare
MASAGA.3 Turtle sp
MASAGI Rise into the air
MASAKI Sickness, sick person
MASAKI-TAGA Father's sister
MASALA Be clever, know
MASALO.A Think about, consider, suspect
MASALO.B Be astonished at, admire

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