Pollex Reconstructed Protoforms

Level Reconstruction Description
PUURAU (Hibiscus tiliaceus)
PUUROKU Cover head
PUUTEE Bag, sack
PUUTIKI Tie up the hair; top-knot
QA Possessive marker: of (dominant)
QAA-.2 Morpheme indicating a point of future time: *qa(a)-
QAA-FEA When? (future interrogative)
QAA-I-LAA-NEI Later today, soon *qaa-(i)-laa-(nei)
QAA-MURI Later, afterwards
QAA-NEI Just now, soon, later today *qaa-(i)-n(a,e)i
QAA-POO Tonight (in the future)
QAA-SIO-SIO Whirlwind, tornado, waterspout: *(qaa-)sio-sio
QAA-TAEAO Tomorrow morning
QAA.1 Wall, fence (Ebt)
QAAFUA Sandbank forming a shoal
QAATEA Clear, unobstructed
QAAUGA Gesture, especially in dance
QAAVE-A Possessed by a spirit; raving
QAAWAGA.A Spouse, married (Ebt)
QAAWAGA.B Succubus, erotic dream; infatuation, obsession
QAFA-TEA Tree (perhaps Nauclea sp.)
QAFA.1 Net gauge
QAFA.2 A tree (Neonauclea sp.)
QAFA.3 Open, apart (Rby)
QAFALI Fish sp., surgeonfish
QAFATO A large grub, larva: *q(a,o)fato
QAFI Hold or carry under the arm
QAFI-GA Armpit
QAFII Wrap up a parcel; a parcel of food
QAFIO Go, be (chiefly term?)
QAFU.1 To be hot and humid
QAFU.2 Heap up; a heap or raised place
TO QAFUA Fine (of weather)
QAFULU Fish sp., Goatfish (Mullidae)
QAGA.1 Shark
QAGA.2 Shell
QAGAQAGA Soul, spirit, corpse
QAGAQAGA-MAFAI Hammerhead Shark (Rsr)
QAGO.A Thin (of person)
QAGO.B Empty, hollow
QAHAWA-NA Marry; elope; spouse
QAHO Day (not night)
QAHU.1 Gall
QAHU.2 Smoke: *qa(h,s)u
QAI.1 Place, deposit, leave
QAI.2 Copulate with

5665 entries found