Pollex Reconstructed Protoforms

Level Reconstruction Description
QAHAWA-NA Marry; elope; spouse
QAHO Day (not night)
QAHU.1 Gall
QAHU.2 Smoke: *qa(h,s)u
QAI.1 Place, deposit, leave
QAI.2 Copulate with
TO QAI.3 Tree sp.: Canarium harveyi
QAITU Ghost, spirit of dead person
QAKA Kick; apply pressure with foot
TO QAKI.2 Preposition marking instrument
QALA-QALA Talk, converse
QALAWA Shark sp
QALI.1A Bare, exposed, clearly visible, transparent (of water)
QALI.1B A stage of the lunar cycle
QALI.2 Shave, scrape clean
QALILI A univalve mollusc, (Turbo sp.)
QALITO Core of a boil: *(qa)lito~*(qa)tilo
QALO-POQOU Primipara, woman pregnant for the first time or having first child: *qal(o,a)poqou
QALO-QALO Confront, be face to face; be in the presence of
QALO.1 Belly, bowels
QALO.2 Beckon, wave
QALO.3 Paddle or row a boat (Ebt)
QALOFI Coastal area
QALOGO Surgeonfish sp. (Acanthurus lineatus)
QALU.A Follow, go after, pursue, go with
QALU.B Go quickly, hurry
QALU.C Go, come
QALUGA.1 Above
QALUGA.2 Headrest, pillow
QAMANAKI Hope, expect, prepare (for)
QAMIO Variable (of direction of motion)
QAMO Carry on shoulders: *(ha)qamo
QAMO-GA Load, burden: (ha)amo-ga
QAMU-TIA Envied, fit to be
QANA-.2 Morpheme indicating a point of past time
QANA-FEA When? (past interrogative)
QANA-I-LAA-NEI Earlier today, not long ago
QANA-NAFI Yesterday: *qana-(n)afi
QANA-NEI Just now, a short time ago, earlier today *qana-(i)-n(a,e)i(-laa)
QANA-POGIPOGI This morning (in the past)
QANA-POO Last night
QANA.1 Cave
QANOIHA Day after tomorrow
QANU-FEA Cool, cold
QANU.1 Cold
QANU.2 Dance
QANU.3 To spit, expectorate; spit, saliva
QANUFE Caterpillar: *q(a,u)nufe
QAO-ATEA Late morning to early afternoon, midday *qao-(qa)tea

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