Protoform: I.1 [EP] Past tense marker

Description: Past tense marker
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to EP: East Polynesian

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Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Easter Island I Past (Fts)
Hawaiian I Past (Pki)
Ifira-Mele I He, she, it (subject, past tense) Problematic (Clk)
Luangiua ŋii Past time Problematic (Smd)
Mangareva I Past. Particule verbale du passé. (Rch)
Manihiki-Rakahanga I Past tense (Krk)
Marquesas I Past. Particule verbale qui signifie qu'une action est accomplie, son résultat est durable (Lch). Verbal particle: past (Mtu). (Dln)
Moriori I Past tense (Bke)
New Zealand Maori I(i) Verbal particle marking past tense (Bgs)
Penrhyn I Past (Yda)
Rarotongan I Past tense marker (Bse)
Tahitian I (devant les formes verbales) Marque de l'aspect accompli dans les proposition subordonnées; passé immédiat (i...iho nei); ... (Lmt)
Tikopia I Verbal particle of past time Problematic (Drd)

13 entries found

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