Protoform: KO-LAA [NP] Locative Demonstrative. Over there, yonder, away from speaker and addressee.

Description: Locative Demonstrative. Over there, yonder, away from speaker and addressee.
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to NP: Nuclear Polynesian

*1 Cf. PN *koo 'yonder', NP *laa

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Kapingamarangi Golo There (away from speaker and hearer) Phonologically Irregular (Lbr)
New Zealand Maori Koraa (Location) over there, that place (at a distance), the place over there, there (Mfd)
Rennellese Kogaa (kongaa) Demonstrative. Those, those others, like those. There (far, of pl. objects); some, other (Ebt)
Tahitian I ʔoo ra Problematic (Lmt)
Tuvalu Kolaa Location marker. Over there, far away or socially marked (Jsn)
West Futuna I ko ra There (Dty)

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