Protoform: LEFE [PN] Fold or crease covering body orifice

Description: Fold or crease covering body orifice
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to PN: Polynesian

*0 >> EP *refe "wrinkled, loose (of skin)"
*1 Cf. EP *repe "fringe, flap esp. of body; to hang or dangle"

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
East Futuna Lefe Anus (Mfr)
East Uvea Lefe/lefe Clitoris (Rch)
Easter Island Rehe Debilitated, feeble, weak, soft Problematic (Fts)
Hawaiian Lehe/lehe Labia of vagina (Pki)
Mangaia Reʔe-ua Naked Problematic (Chn)
New Zealand Maori Rehe/rehe Buttocks (Wms)
New Zealand Maori Rehe Wrinkle, fold in the skin; wrinkled (Wms)
Niue Lefe(tona) Sty (on eye) (Sph)
Rarotongan Reeree The vocal cord (Sve)
Samoan Lefe/lefe Os interior vaginae (Prt)
Tahitian Rehe/rehe/tohe The line of separation where the human anus is (Dvs)
Tongan Lefe/tona Wart (Cwd)
Tuamotu Ka/rehe/ Labia majora when they have been manipulated ...until lengthened into heavy folds (Stn)
Tuamotu Rehe/ŋa Cunnus (Stn)
Tuamotu Rehe Creased, folded (Stn)
Tuvalu Lefe Female sex organs (Rby)

16 entries found

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