Protoform: MANOKO [FJ] Small fish of several genera including Gobies and Rock Skippers

Description: Small fish of several genera including Gobies and Rock Skippers
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to FJ: Fijic

*1 Cf. NP *panoko "fish spp. including Blennies".

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
East Futuna Manoko A small fish blennie,Blenniu sp. (petit poisson qui saute sur les rochers) (Bgs)
Niuatoputapu Manoko Blennie (Dye)
Nukuoro Manogo Goby (Crl)
Rennellese Manoko Tiny reef fish, perhaps Zebra Rock Skippers or Blenny (Entomacrodus) (Istiblennius) (Ebt)
Rotuman Manoko (Periophthalmus) Borrowed (Cwd)
Samoan Manoʔo Small fishes belonging to genera (Periophthalmodon, Zonogobius, Chonophorus, Salarias, Cirripectes, Alticus) which include the Gobies and Mud Skippers (Prt)
Tokelau Manoko Small fish spp....including mud-skippers and gobies (Sma)
West Futuna Manoko Fish sp., mud-skipper. (Amblygobius bynoensis) (Rve). (Fkm)

8 entries found

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